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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 5:30am-6:00am AST

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the international observers have applauded the successful swearing in of the transitional council. some call we need a turning point for a crisis that is left more than $2500.00 people dead since the start of the year. one of the 1st orders of business of haiti's new transitional council, was the name of the interim prime minister michelle patrick. while they're a former finance minister who is taking the place of prime minister arial henri, who formalized his resignation. earlier in the day, the general incense should be at the center of all consents and public decision and advisable competitor as to what, what strength name and consolidation. what has been achieved to contribute to the recovery, i thought beloved hatred. though haitian gang leaders have promised to the rail, the efforts of the new transitional body council members say plans are in motion for the deployment of an international security force led by the government of kenya to help restore law and order in haiti. and was it up
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a little alger 0 this in this paper in brazil are continuing to march to demand recognition of their lands, the gathering in the capital of a city or is known as the day one of the governments of president lewis and not so that was a sofa to protect the territories from criminal activities like illegal mining. i mean dizziness and among the people in brazil say its members detained 12 people on tuesday for an edge of the mining illegally on the temperature in the amazon. they handed them over to police, they say the miners contaminate that works with mercury. the indigenous group of amazon is the largest. the thing in relative isolation. u. n. has close one of its peace keeping bases in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the because of the base and south cubic province was handed to government forces on thursday because these government off to you and troops to leave last year, accusing him of failing to protect civilians. that will leave you with some
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incredible pictures from the mountains of iceland. japanese ski jump up. are you coming? i see is unofficially broken. the record for the longest joan champion is through a distance of 291 meters, which and speeds of around 107 kilometers. but it was in the air for around 8 seconds. cause this was not on the competition conditions excludes on page, definitely not recognize that. 6 the website, i'll just say i don't go through these continue 0 now to say and off to the the award winning investigation. the gift compelling in science, inter toes from asia and the pacific one. 0 $1.00 east on out to 0. it wasn't
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a ronnie and military attack that was made for tv. so was the, is there any response? but what will all this lead to, apart from taking the fives of the world off of goss terminology matters, the new york times knows. and the language it is using on gaza is a story onto itself. plus believers in kenya led to their graves by a tell eventually, where, where the regular, the, it's been a week now since more than $300.00 iranian missiles and drones were launched israel's way. but despite the initial alarm, the rush to the bomb shelters, the doomsday scenarios, and all the original war this failed to materialize. instead, israel conducted a limited counter attack on friday, on military targets in is for hon, which was similar to a runs strategic approach. the vast majority of those are ronnie and projectiles
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were shot down by israel or its allies. the damage was minimal. 0 is ready, fatalities, and outcome. the military experts concluded was by design. israel's response also have more to do with spectacle than substance because the nothing. yeah. who government have the optics to consider? don't act and risk losing face or retaliate when it's primary back or the us had called for a strength at least publicly. whatever happens next ron's attack and the way it has been characterized in the western media may have gone or is real, some more support abroad. which could prove crucial in this battle of perceptions as this really forces continue to slaughter. palestinians involve any kind of a battle between your own and as well as not only a battle between 2 armed militaries or 2 sets of government officials issuing
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competing or conflicting statements. it's also a bottle of nerves, the bottle for information superiority for international support and sympathy. when our news feeds on that night with the images of military fireworks in the skies over, there was reason to fear the worst. depending on who farm the story ron's airborne, a saw was either a reckless act of aggression that risk triggering a wider war, firing a 100 percent ballistic. nissan is a dangerous escalation or a deliberate act of restraint. it only might have to know that it proved to be a highly performative exercise onto iran. sparks that resulted in no,
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is rarely fatalities have more to do with messages than anything else and have to leave warmongers disappointed. when do you want in perspective, it was a chance to put on a spectacle to really get the headlines and show that they engaging unprecedented direct action i guess as well. but it was mainly a message because we didn't have the mass casualty on israel's park. it was an opportunity to put out the message that he was able to defend itself. 99 percent of missiles were shot down, so from both sides they could claim victory. not only they, ronnie and strike was well telegraphed in advance. it was clearly coordinated in a fashion that israel and its allies could defend effectively. so the point was not destruction. the point was a political message that they run is were sending to try to re establish concerns against israel. israel's response to a ron's attack took 6 days to get to was limit, largely symbolic targeting and air base near is not the city itself,
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nor the nuclear plants nearby that failed to satisfy is really hard. lines like security minister due to me are vanity who flight i would call that link while the as rios cheerleaders, like the british prime minister, offered their approval. and we have condemned your wrongs reckless and dangerous biologists. missiles against is found on saturday and is wrong. so it'd be has the right to self defense, which was consistent with what had come out of the white house and many western governments. in the aftermath of a ron's initial attack, that the, as long that grew up public was the address. busy so let's be straight. given the scale of this attack, ron's intent was clearly to cause significant destruction and casualties. v us called the ron's actions unprecedented. even though they had been preceded by israel's bombing of an iranian consumer building in the syrian capital, damascus on april. first, the killed to iranian generals, among others, it was
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a position the u. k. also to that, when challenged proved to be a hard sell, black and white. what, what britain to the hostile nation slot, one of our comes to us, we would take, we would take the very strong action, and around would say that that's what that is. well, even those well aware iran has influence beyond its borders and uses it's embassies and consulates. as cover when arming is regional allies have said this really strikes in damascus was dangerously provoked. here i must be very, very critically about this, right? it was one of those adventures that these are, these kill me things only because it as possible. there was hardly a debate about the consequences of the prize about the day after. i mean, it explains it. we said damaging the military capability of
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a rod officer by law whole i'm us and the football team. the whole mccomb before the old cadet even though i think the tool should always him should on or what is this rubbish? by the end of the day, it's about showing cool is very much show the is where the james bond, the terence will never be achieved through us as a nation's entity capabilities are not damaged by those us as a nation. so we are left only with the need to show iran is often portrayed in western media as a midline actor. there is a very rarely a recognition that's like most other states. iran has legitimate security concerns and at times has responded with restraint. over the past few months, israel had killed multiple senior iranian ministry officials in syria. israel has conducted corporate operations against iranian nuclear facilities against iran and
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infrastructure kills iranian sciences iranian commanders on iranian sword. so this is not a one sided fights, and you rarely see the western media trying to striking balance and distribution or allocating blame for the current situation. so what was really behind the runs theatricals, but ultimately to limit the iranian military put of launch to more of its drones and miss files through one of its proxies such as has vala in 11. all right, next door to is instead did not only send almost all of them from iran, the broadcast that some of those launch, given me is released and they're american and british allies, 3 hours to prepare for them and ultimately take most of the missiles down. but the legs and that, and yahoo government, in israel, the leaders of the islamic republic have been playing to
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a domestic audience. the drones and missiles, most of which the iranians knew would never land were the vehicles for the iran at the moment is in a quite fragile state. internally, there has been for the last 2 or 3 years, quite a lot of protest against the forward atari and actions of the same as the regime. and iran is very aware of the ways in which it's getting a broiled and then other war with actually in danger. it's on savannah. so there is a very major calculation about its own uh, vulnerabilities um, in the ways in which iran has responded. there are 2 narratives that going on in your own right. the one is that this was a historic strike. and parts of the on human population, good receptive to, particularly in the aftermath of the serial bombing. at the same time, most of you on humans are not in favor of war. their focus is on their daily lives . the economic conditions. and there's been a renewed crack down on the islamic headscarf new on the mandatory nature of it.
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and that's because very much undermine any funding around the flag effect from any conflict with this or 3 days after ron launched, it's quasi attack on history. this story of performative warfare and shadow diplomacy descended into the observed when reports surfaced that the us had contacted the as long as the republican, asking it to allow israel to conduct a symbolic challenge to return to quote unquote, save face. 72 hours later israel kit the base near just behind israel's interceptors protected years. part of the secret is equally absurd. was this youtube i posted online by the netanyahu government trumpeting the intersection of a ron's missiles and declaring that israel, which has spent 6 months to go with her reading gossip and get some muslim population to act to, to protect some of these loans,
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totally assigns it is so ridiculous. i mean, i really hope i've gotten that can go as far as it wishes, but is read these not to take the holy places and he run this target. they holy place. this is what it is violating severely for decades. the freedom of full force, cheap the most of them, mainly palestinians to get there when it's needed. time it's about the a rodney take a one, a lot of sympathy backs to is there is no 20th and you know, so much of a to is right. and the permanent needs that is what he's going to lose, or the sympathy is really being goal for, for an estate k, as it seems now, as it eventually did. 6 days later, of greater value to is revolving any sympathy or runs attacks may have produced is the distraction. it creates away from the horrific stories still coming out of cost
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of so many more palestinian bod getting on air, including from the hospital. now shift corpses found with high b, 2 still attached images of 7 school children slaughtered on a playground. we'll cross that would have got far more coverage than they did. if news outlets were not trans fixed by this new or on it. but telegenic story that for all of the fireworks, is not what it appeared to be. for the past 6 months, the new york times as coverage of israel's post october 7th, a salt on garza has taken a permalink from critics both inside and outside the paper. mean actually, robbie is here with the latest example of to report this past week by the investigative new side, the intercept within the memo that editors at the times sent the stuff back in november and which has been regularly updated since the memo is effectively
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a style guide for the coverage of israel's post. october 7th, the sort on gaza. there's nothing unusual about such style guides. it's a standard practice across news organizations. what makes this memo controversial is some of the terminology. it was the papers journalist against using sensitive photos should the guidance says avoid using the phrase occupied tennessee when describing palestinian land, which is where this ministry is, according to international, no occupying as one time source interviewed by the intercept booted. that amounts to quote, taking the occupation out of the coverage when it is in fact the actually quote of the conflict. the memo also instruct stuff to steal kid of the to him. but if he comes for pots of gaza that a home to palestinians displaced during previous wars, these are people who are refugees. these terms occupied territories and rescue jacobs artificial language used by the united nations and international and deals.
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it's unusually for news organizations to restrict and use of this terminology in this response to the intercepts report, a times books, but some said that issue and guidance like this is to ensure accuracy, consistency, and nuance and how we called with the news back in february, another intercept investigation into a widely discredited time support about the quote webinar ization of leap by him us on october 7th. if you consider me to send in the times as newsroom over, the papers guys have coverage. clearly that discontent is stabling and still leaking out to the intercept. thanks man. or last year we aired a disturbing story out of 10 you about the dangers of religious broadcasting. tell evangelism, and how difficult that content can be to regulate. we are re broadcasting it now because the tele vangelis at the heart of the story. busy mackenzie has been formally charged with the murder of $191.00 people, mackenzie allegedly led those victims his followers to their dest. by telling them
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the world was coming to an end. among the questions being asked in the aftermath, should the authorities can use media, regulators have done more to stop mackenzie's doomsday preachings from being broadcast. and if so, how would that square with the right constitutionally protected in, can you do freedom of speech and religion? those are questions that require urgent answers because tell evangelism is on the rise and can't hear where 85 percent of the population is christian. but listening post nick, me, we're head now from the canyon post on the tragedy that has come to be known as the shack. a hold of a mass of with just less mill. indeed, a coastal town in eastern kenya, and are heading inland to the shuck, ahold of 1st in much news burke that a woman had killed had children here in order to please god when the story book
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joseph jerry was one of the 1st journalists of c. we will 1st quote here by the police, were informed that the 2 bodies, 2 bodies of children about it and decided to instead to the phone bodies all over musk lives over today to more than 350 bodies and counting have been exempt. their will or led to the 1st slide 10 evangelists name pul mckenzie. useful to have told them that the bill was in and that in order to reach card, they would have to starve themselves to death. fish, children, then women, the men, mackenzie said he would follow it, but he never did. so tell me about pull mackenzie, what do we know about him? initially was the taxi dividing money in the deal? he from these one minister now called good news, international ministries. the judge, according to the advisor who 1st went in, was just a good charged middle course happened until 2015. the
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. now, when it became a tentative engine, is to have a pass the message studies changing, he started introducing, they showed a new with the prophecies. and all these prophecies was tested live on television. now enough that one level full on my demis. tell me about mackenzie's follows those that followed them into this 1st. it came from fun. why? because again, they had to follow as oliver. so presumably many of those people would never have heard of poor mackenzie written up for his tv channel. correct? based on an estimated $600.00 of pulling mackenzie's for those who are still missing and check on the 1st one of them is a woman named pamela nicholas. single. she's from been going back. it's accounting northwest. can you the opposite end of the country in india? 1000 kilometers from yeah, we've managed to find his son. he's living and not robi,
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so i'm up to the capital to meet him. to evangelism is the use of media to communicate christianity. the 10 evangelists in kenya often claimed that they can perform miracles by watching deliver spiritual feeling. and guarantee prosperity typically in exchange for donations, which had made some till event was very welcome and influential for some viewers of some of the most valuable as the plumber stream directly into their homes of divine intervention. 5 is cost is previously resistible. for we can see is what we would refer to as a carrier, is magic the sovereignty to the no, no, no problem as we get problem when i, pennsylvania, he because in order to be a tv event, this order to hold the attention of a audience,
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no matter how big or small you have to have a particular kind of christmas comparing to a free can tell evangelist. you can tell that the rest of the frequently bundle is tend to go with the prosperity way and pull them. mckenzie goes the mystical way. why not? so with mystery kicks in, then you know somebody is believes to have information or news or power that other people don't have. and so that's the whole county of mystical element is what really endeared him to a lot of people come in and what kind of thing his son rogers should do says says that she would spend her days watching mackenzie's times t v channel. and was captivated by his simmons that promised spiritual feeling. she thought he could help her daughter who was suffering from mental health issues. this time last year she boots his mother, his sister, and her 3 year old daughter,
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left time to join the attend evangelist, or ok. mostly to find out my the, the main reason my mother followed mackenzie's preaching was my older sisters illness. and during his tv sermons, mackenzie would often use the bible and a specific oil to heal people. so my mother thought he might be able to help my sister. so that was her main motivation. if it wasn't for his tv station, my mother never would have heard of someone like mckenzie, by the sentimental language done a mckenzie. when religion comes under the agency of media, then media transforms, that's religion. and so perhaps for people like pull mckenzie media tended to give them some kind of reputation and could create the ability to for like causing the tongue with them. and watch general poll mckenzie as message with a 1st started out as what we would consider an instance of really just diverse that
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to you guys because it doesn't just start off as an end of time. we then see it moving into a space of tv. is it? do? kitchen is evil. and then later on we see it moving into a space of danger. shit, me. i'm in the buckets. yep. ok. as the site, the hollinger. yeah. now it's difficult to predict what the vacation will be, because not all diverse situations of a main steam village and will become deviant, and not only deviant innovations of a mainstream religion will become deigned to this. but sometimes they do. the question now is, at what point should the canyon authorities have intervened, and could they have done so well, upholding mackenzie's constitutional right to freedom of thought and religion. the communications authority is the party responsible for regulating full cost media in the country. this past april, it's suspended mackenzie's tv channels,
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but only off to the check. a whole other story had broke. and even then it was mostly for administrative non compliance, little of the content it with you broke the rules. i asked the director general how his organization monitors this kind of content. we use a system that loads the information. but when you have 322 visitations for you to make sense of that content knowledge we have, we, the, somebody has to sit down and listen to or watch to be able to conclude the natural that particular content. that's why the complain, mechanism is much better if somebody to see something unbecoming, then they able to report. then we can now go specifically to track down that specific uh, book custom. the problem i see with that making ism, is that you are relying on view of feedback, but often the views of these channels are the people that are being radicalized and you not see that as an issue in the system. it's really a problem,
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but then our responsibility is enough to regulate the content of fuel electric to electrical nature. unless the salt organize them defensively. content that we looked at, we did not see a direct link with the mass. i do not think that yes, they may not be a direct link to shock color, but that, that problem at the content in the miracles and the prosperity preaching. yeah. nothing that needs to be regulated. you know, the trouble with the issues of religion on faith is exactly that faith. and that's why when you allow freedom of religion is to just allow people to mix tens of life the way they see best. so the risk of going to, that's for to that, to end up being a full list of the people's punches. but that bond, those have to be struck, wasn't really big southern for us pull mackenzie is now in jail and faces multiple charges. but the media environment in which he's thrived and the constitutional rights that protected him remains the same. kenya is 85 percent
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christian, and 10 evangelists wheeled enormous influence. so politicians wanting to stay in power, unlikely to challenge the hedge. many of these to the past is and the armies of faithful followers, even if that leaves an untold number of valuable people at risk. so him was, i talked to him to go to god, but it will begin to my lead. i left nairobi from a wendy to search for my mother. when i got there, i found one of mackenzie's followers who had been rescued and they told me they had seen my mother and my sister. my sister and a child had been tied up until they died and were buried. having seen all this, my mother ran deep into the forest. i have been trying to find her ever since, but to this day, nothing the
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and finally of this past week, the world's most elaborate election process got underway. indians and there are more than 950000000 eligible voters with the casting ballots over the next 6 weeks . prime minister, no rend remote, he and his party, the b j. p are considered a lock to when an historic 3rd term t opposition leaders are in jail. many others have been forced into the b, j. p by threats of legal cases or lowered and by the prospect of getting senior positions in the party. and that there is the undeniable domination of the indian media space by moti, from anchors on mainstream news channels, to influencers on social media. even the bollywood elite, the b j. p is either convinced or co worst people into echoing the message that
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there is no alternative to moti even worth debating. let alone voting for will be keeping our eyes on this story and the central role that the indian media are playing in it. and we'll see you next time here at the listening post. the humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mighty oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south. a crude mistake talk to one of 2 on that's just that was the time to be direct. the creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic we do not did. it was the policy that we have. it was from us,
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particularly that was very upfront on out of there. ok. foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 developed, luis, haven't that goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence, offer a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm in to see how to relate language, world wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of non c is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website w, w,
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w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the student protest split across the us university is that housing the war on guns and coding to cut ties with the as well. and it's a full size. the hello and are enjoying this is on, is there a life also coming up, tortured, executed, and even buried, alive, gauze, and civil defense present. the evidence found that must graves. when the 400 bodies have been recovered, building bridges of a trouble to.


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