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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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medium camera mind cutting how much films this strikes the 2 thousands of life, including its own garza, the last picture on, on the student voices grow louder, protest against the war and gaza spread to universities outside the united states. to france, the u. k. and australia, the serve. any a good to have you with us. this is elsa 0. live from the also coming up and aid worker with the belgian development agency has been killed by. it is really a striking garza, a flotilla set to leave for a key for gaza, with thousands of tons of aid, delayed
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a group of un experts as calling for unimpeded access to guns and ukraine. issues restrictions on passports for ministry, age men outside the country to address the shortage of troops at home. the beginning with the voices of students across the world university protests. the word triggered by the war on guns and now going into a course of decent chestnuts with governments and leadership across the globe. it's just over a week since students at columbia university began demanding their schools divest from israel, students at columbia, harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university followed suit protests spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan in texas and in california. and now they've gone global at university college, london and in paris said cl spo university, as we have just seen and even all the way to the university of sydney in australia
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. but we're going to be live in austin, texas in washington, dc and in new york. that's where we'll start with alpha 0 as kristen salumi kristin, you're at columbia university where this all began. the epicenter of the student campus protests. how's it going? so yeah, day 10 since that 1st day when the students came out on the line here at columbia university and it is very much still going strong. the students have been in intense negotiations with the administration, which is trying to get them to leave campus. they made some concessions, but the students say it is not enough and they are going to stay until they get their demands, which are to divest, disclose their investments in israel to divest from them. and to give amnesty to the students. here to talk more about this. now i have one of the negotiators and
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one of the student protesters here with me. her name is swayed up for lots and she's a, a majoring and human rights. interestingly enough here at columbia. thank you for being here. can you tell me what the latest is on the negotiations with the administration? oh, we've been in your constant negotiations at the university since friday. we're now approaching day 10 of the encampment. um, uh, the negotiations have been frustrating to say the least. um, it shows that the university doesn't understand what is at the heart of the student and can't move the heart of the student protests. we've been demanding, complete divestment, and boy, god, as has been the mandate of the cause for palestine over decades. now, despite this, the, on our demand for divestment on our defense for boy thought the university is the prose increased engagement, for example, on the cancellation of the dual degree program, which i believe university which has restricted access to many of the columbia community, notably, palestinians. um, and a direct contradiction of the university's own equal opportunity,
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an affirmative action policies. so universities of twos, they suggested that they would engage with the apartheid state of israel to increase access, which is preposterous. and on feasible, on the topic of divestment, to encourage us to get off the lawn. they've made promises that over this month and this month, within 6 months, we will submit proposals through the universities divestment body and have resolutions come through them. but despite the fact that we have no insurance is that such resolutions are binding. this inspires no confidence among the student body. we have plenty of energy and we're ready to keep going. i know you get this question all the time and you get the accusation all the time of harassing jewish students on campus as being anti semitic. and how do you respond to that? um that accusation has been levied against protesters and activists for at least the past 6 months of the genocide and for a longer time. um uh,
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over the past 75 years, i would say um uh, but if people come to the same cabin as they have been for the past 10 days, they can see quite clearly that's a peaceful demonstration. we have community guidelines outlined at our entrance that everybody know whether they be a politician and active. as the student, a member of faculty must read. we encourage everybody to communicate with one another dialogue with one another. in an open and welcoming way. do you feel safe here? we have been frequently threatened by the university. i think we feel as safe as we can currently there is open negotiation with the university and there is no deadline on when law enforcement will show up at our door. but we've seen that my alma mater emory, for example, students which your gas interest. so yeah, well thank you very much for sharing the latest information with us there you have it. the negotiations are ongoing. the students remain committed saying that they won't leave until their full demands are match. uh, graduation is supposed to be only a few weeks away here at columbia university. it is typically held on the lawn
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behind me, where the tents are set up. that is adding an extra layer of pressure to these negotiations for the university and for the students as they move forward. and that's the latest. all right, thank you very much for that interview, chris, and it doesn't sound like those negotiations like there's going to be a break through and no is any time soon. the thanks for that, i'll go to she. i'm now she advertise. he is a george washington university in the us capital. what are you seeing and hearing where you are? very similar, very similar levels of outrage, not just to be as really sold for men, women and children in dollars or but the years off. but you restroom fees of the students, both of the problem but somebody's university. so by chance to invest and weapons companies like no for robin for example, you know, his buttons are being used to kill people. it's also there also fully but the vestments. yeah. of the issue with the,
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with the label around the semester because it's obviously music to purchase the games. bob and then women and children go around. a bunch of sla is, is one of the probably just organizers i'm a jewish student and i believe that it's really the completion of the design is i'm tend to use them which is what is fancy symmetric and we're just making to race unless they produce we are fighting against seller colonialism. we are fighting against imperialism. we're fighting against legal, military, occupation, apartheid. and now genocide and fighting against a nation state is not the same thing, is fighting against a people. and i think it's really important to make that distinction as a to it's probably levels of the from,
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from the university administrators here. they stuff, frankly, everyone, i mean catlins with the rest if your door for 15 of us the students, the g w. administrators say, not only will they suspend the students color scheme, how's the interest of them? it is amazing. we will have a black lives matter. they were happy to come all black lives, not there, but for whatever reason. this is unacceptable to them. this. this type of protest against israel as well. they will not accept unless yeah, thank you very much. that's you have your tendency reporting from washington dc, the campus of george washington university. we can go to heidi show castro, heidi, you're at the university of texas in, in austin. what's happening there? the 0, the cd. hi me is one that's very peaceful, but they haven't chanting earlier in the day and they're using these moments of
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quiet and community as an act of defiance in itself. because this is in stark contrast to the scenes we saw when the university and the texas state troopers are really cracked down. i'm protestors earlier this week arresting 57 people and it's, i'm quite violent scenes. and now the university's president, j harris, he's been really taking a lot of criticism for that action calls for his resignation. but the latest letter to the community he wrote, he said that he was grateful that these peaceful protests supporting palestinians continued. so there's kind of a lot to break down there and we have a guest here. this is adam. who is one of the organizers of this protest? are you satisfied with this sort of ton of appeasement? now coming from university ministration. uh, 1st and foremost, absolutely not. um, over the past 24 hours, we've witnessed the blatant hypocrisy of j hartzell in the way that on one hand he
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portrays this public image, appearing to support protest and the right to free speech, especially on his campus here at the same time within the past 24 hours, the palestine solidarity committee here at you t. austin has actually received a letter saying that we are suspended and we are under investigation. what does that mean for you and what kind of personal risk are you at by continuing to be present at these protests? what that means for us is we are not allowed to organize on campus. we're not allowed to reserve any space or occupied any space. and until further notice, we are not affiliated with the university. the. the reason you guys came in the 1st place, of course we're, we're looking at the suffering and gaza, tell me what the demands are here. absolutely, so we have 3 main demands. our 1st demand is the investment of any funds, including anything, especially you see any funds that you 2 has and major arms, producers that includes lockheed martin rate the on boeing. our 2nd demand is amnesty for p a. c. and for all of the students and community members here in
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austin that were arrested over 65 were released from prison. everybody is out. thankfully. and our 3rd is that the president of you t austin j hartzell designs. how are you guys gonna keep that this? we'll keep out this for as long as we have to uh, the university feels that its tactics of bullying and pushing us around and intimidating us will work. and that if the rest and students then eventually will settled down and stop making noise and everything will just go on business as usual . but the reason we're really here primarily is to shut a light on what's happening in gaza, the genocide and as it has to end. and what we're doing here is just a symptom of that. we're not here because this is u t and our rights were infringed . we're here across the nation, whether that's you to your columbia or washington or u. s. c. it's because of the genocide happening in nevada. i actually just a couple of days ago, 200 bodies were found in a mass grave outside of and also hospital. some of them with their hands tied behind their back. and for some reason we don't seem to be talking about that. but
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here we find ourselves talking about you to students, you know, being arrested. but i really want to shine a light on what's happening on the ground because that's what's most important. thank you so much, adam. and then of course, is the principal message of this continue protest at u t. austin and they say they're going to continue being here. they're going to be chanty, they're going to be playing music and showing that they can put this message out there in a peaceful manner and in defiance of the university 0. how does your castro reporting at the university of texas? thank you very much, heidi and in paris, students have been occupying the main building of the seal spell university, demanding that the institution cut ties with israel, much like what the american students have been demanding houses. there is the tasha butler has been there. she sent us this reports as r k did inside terraces, prestigious steel spo university. dozens of students demanding it in to israel's war, and garza outside the others. showing cellphones to help stop what they say is
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a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide and as a student, we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that students movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. things became tends when a group, supposing israel arrive to stay, just counter protest, really. so cancer, i live near here and i worry this university is no longer friends. french police moved in to separate the 2 sine. meanwhile, most students during the demonstration this through the children, one of the universities like there is another, is raising university. we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state
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of israel, which is academy. and financial, there's already research with the work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide declared by the i c j . and we want it starts with investigating prep partnerships to protest as relate to student demonstrations. on wednesday, french police play the seats in the student says with a pete 100 and symbolic there's a root google not only and seems to be very wide and burn friend slides. there is a starting process. 9 voices. now we've reached another step with the police coming in to our campus during the wednesday, the patient to take us out of the company. this is the next assignment of a silence. the must be broken, say to students. if palestinian rights it's a be heard types of butler will just sarah purse
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and it's not just students were getting involved. protesters camped outside germany's parliament are being told by police that they need to leave demonstrators showing support for palestine set of dozens of tents outside the bonus tag. police say that the group has been repeatedly violating restrictions put on the camp, which has been there for nearly 3 weeks. the for all of these protests are tied to israel's one guys and what has actually been happening on the ground, whether it's the occupied westbank or the gaza strip. so let's go to ralph at now in the gaza strip. 51 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. i was just the rhetoric of with whom is live. sorry. what happened as well. the situation in fact, seriously, on the ground is really due to your rating or not really by uses a, specifically that the compartment from a gland did not really stop on the ground by the use very military as being the
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past couple of hours. they have been attacking 2 locations in a rough one was item to a residential house with no casualties being reported on. the 2nd one is on the facility of a rough crossing, or at least 2 palestinians have for reported in good of those injuries. being transferred to our hospital to be medically treated, but again, we have been hearing from eye witnesses on the ground and the middle areas that i know said roger with huge account has been, had had multiple times within the past couple of hours where a number of houses and agriculture lands being targeted as casualties have been transferred to a box a hospital to be treated. and that is the grim reality. in fact, has palestinians have been moving between galls was towns and villages in order to seek refuge and to be away from the east. very bombardment. what would they have been really subjected to within the past 24 hours is no casualties amongst civilians. as the bus majority work, children, a women and palestinian symphonic tests we've been hearing from him from them here
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in roughly. they are really shocked and terrified by the idea that roughly can be become on the winds. military, encouraging by the is very mandatory specifically that they are following on the latest political developments on the political, irena and regarding the ongoing efforts being made by original mediators in order to bridge the gaps of understanding between homeless and easy way, not to bring an end for the fighting, but at the same time they believe that if these negotiations collapse, the going to be moved blood check a completely gonna take place within the coming days. as these were the prime minister, benjamin and cynthia who has been repeatedly saying that the roof will be invaded as the, as a part of their ongoing military campaign inside the territory as i was sending ins right now, or requesting. well, next to go um its full destruction of kansas and main facilities and even residential houses. yes, absolutely. the is really government const has consistently signal that they will
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be at some point launching a ground invasion in raso. but we don't know when that might be a target because we are reporting from southern gaza. thank you very much. sorry. a premature palestinian infant who is rescued from her dying mother's womb master and his really s, drake has now died. our teams had reported on the new board. her name is sabrina oliver. due to she was pulled out a live moments after her pregnant mother was killed. sabrina's home was hit by and is really airstrike on the rough uh, on saturday. the still ahead on alpha 0, america's top diplomat meets china is presidents engaging but there is little sign of a saw and relations the fellows hit slot to set fire for australia of the mainland. most big area of high pressure in charge will draw over
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a few showers just in across the east coast. as the winds come round high as we go, i don't show a brace. they're having to run the south. well, i don't into queensland as well. so the weather, just lucky here, but for most of this fine, dry and sunny pleasant autumn, the weather coming through temperatures, they lift the little for a time down towards the southeast and corner, but they will full back a little as we go into the pots off next week, but still mostly dry. having said that, what's the weather will drift this way across the tasmania eventually pushing towards the chain and, but for the time being these, even it is fine and try to stay as long as you try across northern parts of china at present warm sunshine still in place here, but it's southern areas that we're really concerned about. more big down polls coming in across the southern parts of china, down towards the southeast and cold. still some pretty wet weather. also making its way in across the taiwan. and it's very much a repeat performance have as you go into monday, across that southeast and go to saturated ground. oh cool. so that will be
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widespread flooding. once again, it's really just exacerbating the fiber which is already in place. that what were the stretches of a white top north of shanghai, the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what, where the tough questions are asked, can you see negotiations being even half this is most important? which of these are going to and bushy polls? unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on how to do the
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your, once it goes to 0. reminder of our headlines student protests against the war and gaza spread across the world from campuses in the us to solidarity rallies in parts of europe and in australia. students have been voicing their opposition to israel's war on gas. us senate to bernie sanders has slammed is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu for remarks he made, criticizing the pro palestinian protests in the us. he had described the demonstrations as horrific saying that the campuses have been taken over by quote anti semitic mobs. this worse sanders's response. no mister, that's in yahoo. it is not anti semitic or pro, from us to point out that in a little over 6 months. your extreme is government has killed 34000 pounds of
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citizens and wounded more than 78070 percent, the form of women and children. it is not anti semitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless, almost half the population. it is not anti semitic. to note that your government has obliterated gods of civilian infrastructure, electricity, water, and sewage. it is not empty symmetric to realize that your government has no, i elated gods as health care system. not the $26.00 hospitals out of service and killing more than $400.00 health care workers. it is not anti semitic, to condemn your governments destruction of all of causes, 12 universities and 56 bit schools with hundreds more damage,
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leaving 625000 students with no educational opportunities. it is not anti semitic, to agree with virtually every humanitarian organization in saying that your government in violation of american law has an unreasonably blocked humanitarian aid. coming into casa, creating the conditions in which so many thousands of children. they smell nutrition and 5 and is the notes and yahoo! anti semitism is a bile and disgusting form of bigotry. that has done on speaker go home to many millions of people. but please do not insult the intelligence of the american people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of
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your disagreements and races. government as an international aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying 8 and international observers from reaching gaza. the freedom flip til of coalition says israel has created would have caused an administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from even leaving the port in this tumble. the ship will now go through further inspection, delaying its different plan. friday departure. un experts are demanding its safe passage and unimpeded access to gaza as a big has more from that ship and assemble the international freedoms that to the us. it's being called is that is just that sales. the paperwork has been submitted here and 8 has been loaded and prepared. ready for the trip to gauze. organizers say that is the front to prevent this rest of the accident. if you need wrestle from departing now, it was the side of the republic of the bustle. organize the se, se is the structure for rent. it's what pressuring is that contract to remove it so that we understand that will not be an additional inspection of the special
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organize of say, the confident what there will be in today of a few days. now this to the, to this is tiring, $5500.00 tons of few months here in a people from 12 nations including the grandson of nelson mandela or the daughter of jacob are all ready to travel to garbage or try and break that fees and deliver this tremendous to an age, that confidence that it will take place in rules that fails as long as it isn't any flexibility to fair. and i just split through this is taking place 14 years off to the last one left front of the that's the to that was also trying to break the fee deposit because the deceptive by just reading that just brushing the memory of people here. but they say any challenges that they face, any potential danger they may face is nothing compared to what the other thing is a having to in your, in cause. i that this with to the isn't just about breaking the seed, isn't just about delivery to monitor and ate. is it by bringing more international attention to the whole on garza default country to take action?
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i started by the central the ukraine now where at least 2 people were killed and several wounded by showing in the russian controlled city of done. yet. the local mayor blamed the ukrainian military for the strikes that keith has yet to comment. russian officials also say that ukrainian strikes killed at least 7 others inside for reach in course eva. and of course you've got that you pardon and southern for sons. and after more than 2 years of war, ukraine is struggling to recruit new troops. it has recently passed a law lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25, but on tuesday went further issuing new passport rules for men abroad. john home and reports from keith. the ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military commander in the east. who said that in some sections of the front line,
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brushing forces out number 7 to one. now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new posts, boots a broad, military aged man. they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. he wants them to come home. this wasn't ukrainian minister of foreign affairs to meet throw cool level, wrote in a statement how it looks like now. and then of conscription, age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way. a country is of will. when state the oldest seem to go into instant effects and the ukraine impossible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible goal here is 6 am. yesterday we spent the noise, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j?
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if i went to broad legally not to tell you this, i put a hole in neighboring ukraine supports the major. and it's defense minister said like wednesday, these country could help help me talk. but we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukrainians side by helping those who are subject to ministry service go home. mr. as a test, i think the many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's truth numbers. lexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models the put along with we need 3 things. one is the military 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up so that were able to find the width is from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly begin arriving and coming weeks
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ukraine still missing meant with the gentleman out to say to keep you cry. enjoyed russian turkish ceasefire monitoring center in the corner of camera, but has shut down. brushing peacekeepers were deployed to the region in 2020 that was under a ceasefire deal, which halted 6 weeks of fighting between a very troops and ethnic armenians. us secretary of state anthony blinking has ended his 3 day visit to china. he and president choosing ping say that there came to find common ground. but during long meetings on friday, both sides were clear about what they disagree on. katrina, you reports from the us secretary of state antony blinking said the goal of his 3 day trip to china was simple. i returned to china this week to take stock of where we made progress and where more needs to be done, so that we can deliver tangible results, diabetes. what the tensions rising between vague and washington accomplishing that
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task would be anything but simple. in a meeting with the chinese president to a student being told, blinking us had often failed to keep it's would say one thing and do another 2 countries, or should we put in this? not rivals, both countries that shows the common ground. well, reserving differences instead of vicious competition to those differences were made clear during a 5 and a half hour meeting between lincoln and china. as for administer, early on friday, when you want increasing, negative fact is going to trigger a downward spiral and ties. china is legitimate development rights has been unreasonable a suppressed on our core interest facing challenges. this included us trade restrictions design to limit chinese access to its market and advance technologies . describing this as containment and not set competition. one also raised tie one as a red line is.


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