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tv   CNN Saturday Morning  CNN  October 19, 2013 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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result of a rift within the gop? and coming up at the top of the hour, the facebook mom who posted this, "what's your excuse" picture. she's live to talk about it coming up in the next hour of the cnn newsroom. what's my excuse? two convicted killers on the run after an embarrassing blunder sets them free. >> the inmates were released based on those court orders that we received. >> now, a nationwide manhunt is on to get them back in prison. a 14-year-old teen with autism vanishes in new york. now, the desperate search to bring him home. >> a lot of people feel my pain. a lot of mothers, a lot of families. it can happen to them. >> can his mother's voice help police track him down?
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plus, the cover photo some say has a little too much cover. >> hopefully, it's not a message that full-figured women are not meant to be seen. >> melissa mccarthy calls it awesome, so is the backlash baseless. >> she's the hot mom of three who set off a firestorm on the internet. >> anything that's inspiration, motivation, and i look up to her. >> what this fit former bikini model did that has so many other mothers fired up. good morning, and welcome to the weekend. i'm anna ka bare a. >> and i'm victor blackwell. you're in the cnn newsroom. a lot is happening this morning. we'll start with the search for two convicted killers on the run in florida. >> prison officials say these two inmates sentenced to life,
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charles walker, joseph jenkins, gained their freedom by gaining the system. they used fake release papers that included a forged signature from a judge. the men played the dupe so well, they even registered as a jail as felons after they got out. >> cnn's nick valencia is live at the franklin county correction institute where the men were supposed to be locked up. nick, how long have they been free now? >> reporter: good morning, one man has been free since late last month, the other at least a week and a half. the orange county sheriff's department said they have legitimate reason to believe those two men are still in the state of florida. >> there have been tips being received in terms of legitimate spottings. >> reporter: two convicted killers on the loose, days after they use the forged documents to get an early release from prison. but how did they dupe the system? that's a question no one seems to be able to answer, and a
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mistake no one wants to own. >> so i'm not here to opponent fingers at anyone. there will be plenty of that to go around eventually, i'm sure. >> reporter: in between the fingers of evangelina is documentation from the florida department of corrections. it said his release was beyond their control. >> we are in shock. we're frightened. and we feel let down that the system did let us down for -- as far as letting the murderer go free. i understand the state attorney -- the state attorney and the judge had nothing to do with it. but somebody -- i don't know was it an inside job besides -- because i don't think charles did this. whoever did it, helped them. i do believe that. they had to have help. >> and this is somewhat ingenious. >> reporter: it was the fake
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signature of the judge that ordered the release. the high-profile judge said he's not entirely surprised. >> people, particularly people with criminal minds, come up with ingenious ways to beat the system. they have nothing but time on their hands to think of things. >> reporter: the department of corrections, which allowed the release, said it was only following procedures and was, quote, not at fault. we don't have the statute or authority to question the court's decision, a spokeswoman said. this will be a lesson learned for all involved. the florida department of corrections has since made changes to the process of early releases. they tell cnn they were requi requiring verifications from the sentencing judge. lost in all of this are the victims' families. we heard from one yesterday who said he's terrified that his father's killer is on the loose. they want less finger-pointing
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and more answers. ana, victor? >> all right, nick, i'm sure people want to make sure these guys are back behind bars. >> reporter: absolutely. now, imagine living through this nightmare for more than two weeks, a mother and father have been searching for their lost teenage sons since october 5th. he has autism and cannot communicate verbally. all we know is the 14-year-old was last seen running out of his school in new york. >> ever since then, hundreds of police officers and volunteers working around the clock have been hunting through tunnels and subway stations and sewer systems even for any signs of him. on thursday, avonte's mother said she believes her son is alive, and that someone is holding him. >> he's a special boy. he's a loving boy, he's a caring child. whoever has him out there,
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please be kind to him and let him go. let him come home to his family. >> and the family is holding a news conference at this hour. we are told avonte's mother, brother, father are all there. no new details in the search. we do know it is extensive, continuing through the weekend. a source tells cnn that police, for the first time, have now brought in the assistance of cadaver dogs. congress took the country to the very edge of the fiscal cliff before finally agreeing on a plan to reopen the government and to avoid default. >> but the drama isn't over yet. we could face another budget crisis in a matter of months. >> chris lawrence joins us from the world war ii veterans memorial, and, chris, what's the mood like in washington? >> reporter: oh, washington is a hole, victor. just as bitter and pessimistic as ever. the mood here at the world war 2 memorial, much better today. this was the site of so many
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protests and showdowns during the shutdown, and here you can see hundreds of veterans and tourists kwoming back to the mall to see the world war ii memorial. the big question this morning is how much longer can it last? the federal government is back open for business, but for how long? >> this is just for 90 days. after the 90 days, then what? >> reporter: all the last deal did was set new deadlines early next year to come to a real agreement. do you think there's any chance that the folks in that building will do a better job of compromising this time? >> they have to. >> reporter: steve ellis predicts there won't be any grand bargain. >> i'd be happy to see a compromise. >> not the huge deal that rewrites the tax code or finds a way to fund social security for the long term. >> they clearly can't deal with the big issues, so we need to
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deal with them in steps. >> reporter: like closing small tax loopholes and reducing farm subsidies and farm insurance. worried veterans are working to have their funds fixed. >> we need a permanent fix, not the temporary band-aids of deals. >> reporter: americans are skeptical. >> they're going to play the same games. i don't think that anything is going to change. >> both republicans and democrats just -- they cannot get along. and honestly, i have no faith in them. >> reporter: in january, both sides may have more incentive to deal. that's when an across-the-board spending cuts kick in, especially at the pentagon. >> the combination of sequester and this shutdown has hurt our national defense. [ clock ticking ] >> reporter: and the clock is once again ticking. >> let's negotiate. what are we waiting for? let's get this done.
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>> reporter: it sounds like good advice for both sides. the republican-led house of representatives did pass a budget that calls for about $4 trillion in spending cuts. the democratic-led senate passed a similar budget, but theirs calls for about $1 trillion in new taxes. by mid-december, both of the sides will have to find a way to reconcile those ideas to come up with one budget that the president can sign. victor, ana? >> good to see the bitterness has subvieded at one place, the world war ii veterans memorial. thank you so much, chris. >> yeah. her every move is analyzed, scrutinized, evaluated for clues about 2016. we're talking about hillary clinton stepping back into politics today, and that's feeding more talk of another presidential bid. how much protein
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cnn political reporter is in falls church, virginia. mcculloughs' ties to the clintons, it goes a long ways back. >> it might be the least surprising endorsement in the history of the politics. terry mcauliffe has known the clintons for almost 20 years, a top bundler for the campaign, former democratic national committee chairman. he's very close with the clintons. hillary clinton has already raised money from mcauliffe. it's a safe expectation, the campaign tells me, bill clinton will be campaigning in virginia for terry mcauliffe before election day. mcauliffe is running against ken cuccinelli, the republican state attorney general, who has his own star in the state with him, mike huckabee. they're trying to rally kwfrts in a far different part of the
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state, down in central virginia. guys, mcauliffe has a lead in the race. he's got about an eight-point lead according to a recent nbc poll here in virginia, so it's a safe endorsement for hillary clinton. she's jumping in the race for a friend, and it seems barring some unforeseen development that terry mcauliffe is lookly going to win this election here, guys. >> and, of course, seeing hillary clinton back in the political spotlight begs the question, is she talking about 2016 at all? and any potential presidential bid? >> reporter: that's right. she -- we'll look for clues later in the speech today. she has said she will only start thinking about a possible presidential campaign until next year, you know, that's with a wink and a nod. i think she's probably already thinking about t we in the political class know that, but she's got plenty of time to make her decision, because thee is by
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far the front-runner for the democratic front-runners. she drowns out the others. she has a little more space to think about this, guys. >> and we still have a couple of more years before we really need to know the answer to that. thank you, peter hamby, in falls church, virginia, with the clinton endorsement. is it cool or is it just too much? your face, your actual online product reviews, may actually start popping up on ads your friends and family see online. >> yeah. you're about to become a star. sort of. details after this. [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. they always have. they always will.
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welcome back. andy warhol said everyone in the future will get their 15 minutes of fame. did he ever imagine this? >> coming up, the online product reviews may be popping up. really anyone who has shared an endorsement, like google plus, will become short-lived stars of the new commercials. >> tech expert carly is live in los angeles. thank you so much for being here with us, carly. okay, sounds kind of cool. sounds kind of creepy. how does all of this work? >> i think andy warhol would have liked this. it's right at the intersection of celebrity and commercialism. it's called the a shared endorsement.
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if you're hitting the plus 1 button and endorsing anything on goggle plus or following the business on google, your face could be used as part of an ad campaign for that product or that service. it's google's way of sort of adding a personal friend-to-friend touch to their ad birks which is huge for them. >> how does it impair to what we're seeing with sites like facebook. >> yeah, very similar. facebook, you know that if you like a product or service, you could see your face as part of an ad campaign there, too, one of their social ads. this is google trying to beat facebook at their own game, while google -- while facebook, rare, is showing the ads on their own social network. google has a huge reach across millions of sites seen by a billion people. >> one thing i thought was interesting as i was reading about this, we were talking about how you might make a comment, give a review, if you feel passionately about it one way or the other, love it or hate it, with this, you only see
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people who love a product. you don't see any of the negative comments, right? >> sure. because they can't monetize a negative review. you know, this is sort of another example of how anything that you say on one of these social networks is property of one of these social networks. you're using it for free, and they're going to find ways to monetize your use of their space. >> so let me ask you about facebook specifically and their change of the privacy settings, again. now, the general public, they can see the posts of the photos and all of that of minors. you're a mom. what do you think about that? >> yeah, we should say google has said they will restrict any use of shared endorsements from kids 18 and under. but facebook is sort of loosening all of those restrictions for their teens. you know, as a mom, i think my job is to stay on top of this stuff and couldn't stanl-- consy
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talking to them about the use of this stuff. and why facebook would want to broadcast to millions of people, who might be listening and what they'd do with the information. at the end of the day, do i think 13-year-old, 14-year-old kids are responsible enough to make choices on the internet that would be largely be permanent? not really. >> that is concerning. we've done stories about the increase in sexual predators or just any kind of predator for that matter online, because it's such an easy avenue they could have access and have the sense of anonymity. so i know that is concerning for parents and teenagers alike. why does facebook now make this change? why even take this step? they're doing fine. they seem to be doing great. in fact, the stock hit a new high this week. >> yeah, well, i think there are tons of teens on facebook. you know, studies have shown that interest is waning among younger kids now that mom, dad,
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grandma, grandpa are on the social network. we have to make sure that the social network stakes attractive. and, you know, until they get up and leave, they want to try to monetize them as well as they can. >> as much as i love my mom, there are few things less cool than getting a friend request from your mom on facebook. >> it's a true -- >> my mom's not on facebook, so i never have to worry about it, but nothing less cool. what if i said, you know, i don't want you to know what restaurants i go to, i don't want you to know where i vacation, can i opt out? >> absolutely. so there are ways that if you're 18 or over on google, or even as a teenager, they are making it easy for you to see exactly who is going to get to see your posts as a teen. it will show you the default is that your friends only, but you're able to make that change so it gets broadcast to the public. if you just don't like the idea of the shared endorsements,
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there are settles that allow you to opt out. >> all right, carl emy, you helped a lot of people today. thank you. >> sure. the three boy scout leaders who pushed over an ancient rock formation, they may have more to worry about than criminal charges. hear what one says -- one person says is going to happen next. especially today, as people are looking for more low, and no calorie options. that's why on vending machines, we're making it easy for people to know how many calories are in their favorite beverages, before they choose. and we're offering more low calorie options, including over 70 in our innovative coca-cola free-style dispensers. working with our beverage industry and restaurant partners, we're helping provide choices that make sense for everyone. because when people come together, good things happen.
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when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her. nthat's why they deserve... aer anbrake dance. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. welcome back, everyone, i'm ana cabrera.
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>> and i'm victor blackwell. let's start with the top stories at the bottom of the hour. number one, a manhunt is under way for two convicted killers from florida. they say they both used a forged document to escape from florida's frank franklin institutional. the document had the judge's forged signature. and a mother in a teenage case has been arrested in florida. the mother. police say vivian vosberg faces charges of child abuse after a video surfaced of her punching two boys. they say the charges in her case are unrelated to her 14-year-old daughter's case. her daughter is accused of aggravated stalking in the suicide of rebecca sedwick.
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>>. >> gay couples are celebrating in new jersey, after the court said the weddings could take place. the appeal will still be heard in january, but as of monday, new jersey will be the 14th tame to allow same-sex marriage. police in greece are trying to figure out this little girl's identity. police found her in a roma, a gypsy community. dna tests show she's not related to the couple who say they are her parents. they've been arrested and charged with abduction of a minor. number five, three boy scout leaders who toppled over a 200 million--year-old boulder say they're now getting death threats and hate mail. police are investigating the incident. the men could face felony charges. this is a crime to deface state parks. the men say they pushed the boulder over, because it was loose and could have fallen on hikers.
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congress is still staring at a new deadline. pass a new spending plan by january 15th, or the country will face a second government shutdown. david rothkopp, a commentator at, blames you, the voter. he writes, you, the voters, have become ill informed, caught up in the name-calling and partisanship, and the climate that created the washington we have today. you got the government you deserve. let's bring in maria cardona, and angie holmes, from i know this will be a fiery conversation. i'm ready. let's start with amy. do you believe that that assessment is correct, that the voters have the congress they elected, so they own it? >> well, it's a very famous phrase from alexa detoke, but i don't blame the voters. the voters, elect
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representatives to go to congress and reflect their point of view. and the voters have voted for divided government. they voted for republicans to be in charge of the house, and democrats in charge in the senate and president obama in the white house. i believe in the common sense of government. by the way, i'm happy to be facebook friends with my mom. >> i'll hear about that after the show. i think david has a point in that voters should be informed. voters love listening to and having their own views reflected back to them. so they don't necessarily seek different points of view, which is why i think everybody should watch cnn, because you guys are actually objective. >> we agree. >> but i do think a different opponent i would make, or a different angle, we have not -- we have not talked more than 60%
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voter participation rate in our elections since 1968. i think that the voters who don't vote are more to blame for the government that we have, because if you have over 40% of the eligible electorate in this country not even going to the polls to vote, you have a whole slew of people who are not even participating. and i think they are the ones who bear more of the responsibility. i think even in safe districts, the ones that we call, team, either on the left or the right, if more than 60% of the electorate voted, you would have more of the mainstream views that could actually seek consensus here in washington. >> the 60% number is interesting, because there are 60% of people according to the latest poll who say they want to get rid of everybody in congress. you can only vote for the person in your district. amy, i want to bring you back in. mcconnell and mccain said there will not be a second shutdown. ted cruz told abc that he'll do
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anything -- let's listen to this, and we'll talk on the other side. >> you would do it again? >> i would do anything, and i will continue to do anything i can to stop the train wreck that is obamacare, and in particular, the test that matters, john, is are we doing anything for the people getting hurt from -- >> now, amy, we know his star is rising in parts of the country. but does he still have the pull to cross to the senate from the house to possibly whip up votes to do this again? >> as you noticed, ted cruz got a little quiet near the end of the shutdown, he was feeling the heat, the fifth strategy, i never supported, always opposed, it wasn't working. and when it did, it distracted from the fiasco that is obamacare. no one expected a democratically controlled senate with president obama in the white house would repeal, defund, or delay obamacare because of republican pressure. i think actually now the website
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being a complete failure and total collapse might require the administration to delay obama care, the individual mandate, people enrolling, since they can't enroll at all. after all of this, ted cruz, you've heard from mitch mcconnell, you saw john boehner bring the c.r., the clean c.r., which they could have done three weeks ago, bring it to the house for a vote. i think the shutdown strategy is over. >> maria, the decision, as it relates to a negotiation, many republicans were saying they were using it as leverage, because democrats always say, yeah, we'll negotiate. let's get past this. we'll talk about it, let's just pass this piece of legislation. what's the guarantee that this won't happen again? >> there are no guarantees, victor. and this is where i think that the folks on both sides of the aisle, and there is some hope here, because we saw this week that senator murray sat down with congressman paul ryan to actually work out some of these
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things so this doesn't happen again. what we did see from the shutdown, and we talked about the polls in our last conversation, that americans have absolutely had it. and amy's right. i think ted cruz is feeling the heat. the problem here, though, victor, it was never really up to ted cruz. it was always up to speaker boehner. at the end of the day, he did bring up a clean c.r., but he didn't have to take us to the brink of a government shutdown to do it. so the question now is going to be whether speaker boehner is going to continue to let ted cruz actually make the decisions for him. i hope he's learned his lesson. >> i wish we had more time for this conversation. i want to talk about sebelius and john boehner. >> wrap up. >> thank you so much. amy holmes. amy holmes' mom. thank you so much. >> thank you. another talker this morning, actress melissa mccarthy keeping us laughing in the hit movie
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"bridesmaids." remember this? >> this is some classy -- geez, megan. >> i'm not even confident which end this came out of. >> now, the comedian is trading in the tomboy look for something more chic. up next, we'll tell you why this magazine cover is stirring up so much controversy. also, we have a treat for you. legendary comedian carol burnett joins us. she'll tell us about the special honor she's receiving tomorrow. we're back in a moment. how much protein
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about 20 minutes now before the top of the hour, and acts are melissa mccarthy has been named one of the 2013 women in hollywood for "elle." she's wearing large coat that hides a large part of her body, and that has some accusing the magazine of fat-shaming. despite the fashion backlash, mccarthy's reps say she pushed the outfit, and "elle" pushed back, on all of the shoot, our stylists work with the stars to pick pieces they feel good in. melissa loved this look and is gorgeous on our cover. melissa mccarthy said the shoot was amazing. before "survivor," "dallas," the show that brought in the
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audience is carol burnett. >> tomorrow, she'll receive the mark twain prize. she joins an impressive company -- tina fay, ellen degeneres. carol burnett joins us by phone. congratulations and welcome. >> thank you so much, victor. it's lovely to talk to you guys. >> what was your reaction when you heard about this honor? >> i was thrilled. actually, i had been asked for a few years, but it couldn't -- i couldn't work it into my schedule. and i felt just terrible about that. but now, having it come at this age, i'm happy i didn't do it before. >> well, people call you an institution. they say you are a legend, and this award is a long time coming. can you give us just a sneak peek of what we might expect from you on tomorrow night's pbs show? >> oh, well, actually, i'm going to watch the show, which i'm very excited about, some of the
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people who are on, i'm just thrilled. and then, i'm supposed to get up and, you know, at the end, and accept the award, and just, you know, give a few remarks, which i will do. i'm not a stand-up comic. by that, i mean, i don't do jokes or anything -- i couldn't tell a joke to save my soul. >> do you know how -- >> -- people with stories and so forth. and then, probably close with our theme song. >> you know, one of the great things our producer, jason, this morning was talking about when the advertisements come on for the box set of the old carol burnett show, he sits there and watches the whole thing. you know, that famous skit of you as scarlett o'hara and -- >> oh, yeah. >> -- and the curtain rods and the curtains, how has comedy changed since then? >> well, i think what's happened is it's gotten -- i'm not sure i
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like the term so much, but it's used a lot -- edgier. i don't mind edge, because i'm not a prude at all. when it's just for the reason -- just being scat illogical, it's a cheap laugh. some of the shows i've seen are -- it sounds as if they were written by a bunch of teenaged guys in a locker room. you know? and that's not clever writing to me. the clever writing -- i mean, the classic clever writing actually was on, in my view, "all in the family," "bob newhart," "mary tyler moore." those were great, great writers. they were clever. they were character-driven. they weren't just there for some sort of a blue joke. >> yeah. >> yeah, carol, i want to ask you about something that's been making news a lot lately. there's seemingly been a great
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deal of controversy over "saturday night live" now being called "saturday night white live" lacking diversity. what does one of the all-time american comedy greats say about this issue? >> you know what? it's on too late for me. >> so to you it's just a nonissue? you don't care? >> no, no, no. i think they've had some -- they have some wonderful people, and they've had wonderful people over the years. you know, you get in a slump, and then along comes somebody else that's going to raise it p up. you know, i remember we -- we were very low in the ratings on, like, our third year, fourth year, whatever it was. but they had faith in us, and so, we kept on, you know, trucking along. and we got better, i think, in the eighth, ninth, tenth, 11th years. >> what's the value of diversity in a show like that? >> pardon me? >> what's the value of diversity
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in a show like that? >> like ours? >> yeah. >> well, you know, when i wanted to do a variety show on cbs, they tried to talk me out of it, because they said, "carol, it's a man's game." >> hmm. >> and i -- whoa, okay. but this is all i know. and i don't -- they said, we have this great sitcom we'd like to you do, "here's agnes." can you picture that? anyway -- >> a lot of people would say you broke through a glass ceiling. >> 30 million a week. >> yeah. but i just said i don't want to be one character every week. i want to -- you know, variety. variety, variety. to have music, dancers. we had a 28-piece orchestra. we had the company, guest star, doing a music comedy review a week, which is -- that's theater background that i had. and i just -- that's what i wanted to do. but i was not the first woman.
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this is a mistake people make. i was the first woman to host a comedy variety show, but dinah shore was the first woman to host a musical variety show. >> carol burnett, receiving the mark twain prize at the kennedy center tonight. it will be on television, i guess, late november. congratulations again. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, victor. thank you, ana. >> congratulations, carol. >> thank you, darling. bye. one mom is asking the question, what's your excuse? and she's showing off her trim body along with her three children, and now some people are accusing her of fat-shaming. she's answering the critics and she's joining us next. ty to bele your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda.
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this morning, we're talking about the mom sparking controversy. we're talking about maria cane, mother to three young children, also a business owner and former
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fitness model. she posted this shot on her facebook page, a picture of herself with her tlohree childr, and a caption, that said, "what is your excuse?" they say it's even bullying. >> please do not assume that yore situation is everybody else's. don't fat shame them. maria is joining us on skype from sacramento, california. thanks for joining us, maria, we certainly appreciate your time today. >> thanks for having me. >> so many people see that picture of you with your children, and they say, wow, she looks great. but wait a minute, she can't look inside my life. it's not fair for her to say what's your excuse. can you understand why people are kind of worked up when this? >> yeah, absolutely. i think that a lot of people obviously struggle with their weight. we have a weight issue in america. people have a lot of excuses now why they are overweight. what i'm saying is what's your
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excuse? it's an open-ended, thought-provoking question, meant to inspire others to work out. >> your goal was toen spire not necessarily to judge other, which some people interpreted that comment as more of a judgment. and they're criticizing your parenting now. in fact, on facebook, one woman wrote -- a woman named sarah, there is no way this woman has an hour a day to spend with her children between blogging, reading every replay, working out daily, and working full time. she's supposed to have us believe she's this sort of role mother? what do you have to say about people commenting on your parenting? >> you know what? there's a big fallacy about being healthy and -- you know, what i do, i work out 30, 60 minutes, intense, focused, five to six days a week, and the majority of my health comes from the nutrition. i'm running around. i do go to fast-food restaura
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restaurants, so i'm not prejudging other people. i don't know what's going on with other people's lives. i'm saying do what you can to be a role model to your kids. i'm a gad mom. i'm choosing to be healthy for my kids. i won't say, i'm overweight because i give everything to my kids and nothing -- i don't make myself a priority. that shouldn't be the message we should be sending america or our family. >> certainly the what's your excuse slogan has been used on all kinds of posters. we have an image of josh lundquist, a boy running a race, by many accounts was to be inspirational, and while you're not handicapped or elderly, do you think you are being unfairly targeted? >> i think that it -- you know what? i'm a fit mother of three young kids. and i think that i'm posing a very challenging question, because we're facing challenging times with the weight problem and with childhood obesity, and the challenges of being a mother. so i definitely think that i am
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being unfairly targeted, but at the same time, i completely empathize where everybody is coming from. >> and we all have our ways to get motivated. i still go back to the old nike slogan, just do it, when i'm lacking motivation or it's hard for me to get out the door to go for a run or something. i know you want to inspire. you want to help motivate. what's your advice for those -- those busy working moms who seem like they just don't have any time in the day to spare? >> you know what? if you have just five minutes or ten minutes, any type of movement is healthy for you. the most important thing is to make it a goal, to decide right now, to take any image, any word, say i'm going to take this as a positive. i'm going to make this into a positive action. first, you have to do, you have to make a goal you'll be healthy for your family, for your kids. and the second thing is to create a plan, create a workout, whatever is feasible for you, and to make sure you're getting good nutrition throughout the day. >> clearly you're doing something that works for you in your life. maria, we appreciate you coming on and talking with us this morning. >> thank you. thank you for having me.
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>> victor? next on "newsroom," our friend carlos diaz rolls in with the rivalry bus live from south bend, indiana. carlos? >> yes, great match-up tonight between usc and notre dame. we are live here at south bend. we'll tell you about that big match-up. plus, last night, we had a major upset in college football. stick around to find out what's goin' on. la's known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. plays a key role throughout our lives.
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? >> the rivalry bus is on the road today. >> and this week, they're in south bend, indiana, counting down tonight's game between notre dame and usc. carlos diaz is joining us with more. good morning, carlos. >> reporter: good morning. ana, the rivalry between usc and notre dame started in 1926. it was as a result of knute rockne's wife getting together with the athletic director at the time, and wanting to have a cross-country rivalry and it's grown since then. both schools are 4-2. neither is ranked. you can throw rutgers the window when you have a great rivalry like this at notre dame. and the people of los angeles want great news after the l.a. dodgers were knocked out of the playoff picture last night. the st. louis cardinals are headed to the world series after beating the boys in blue. rookie pitcher was stellar for the red birds. he didn't give up a single run
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in the two games he pitched. it earned him mvp honors. after playing in 45 postseason games, carlos beltran is headed to the first world series. it's the franchise's fourth appearance since 2004 and the second in the last three seasons. congratulations to cardinals' fans. and later tonight, the red sox can meet the cardinals in the world series with a win over detroit tonight a major upset last night. eighth-rank eighth-ranked louisville lost to ucf. central florida scored with only 23 seconds left in the game. this is louisville's first spot of the season, and a spot in the orange bowl is in jeopardy for the cardinals. final score, 38-35, ucf. so we're waiting for the big match-up tonight between


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