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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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gimmicks -- human smuggling... innocent people being killed. they see that and then they see the spectacle of democrats trying to throw donald trump in jail because he is joe biden's opposition leader p. or it heightens the public outrage over our justice system that protects joe biden and tries to put his enemies in prison p. or the illegal immigration issues is only going to become more intense the closer we get to election day. >> he is on trial in the mind of the public. stephen thank you. that's it for us tonight. you can catch me on america reports tomorrow during the 2:0. be sure to tune into. remember it's america now and forever. i will see you on social media. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight.
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trump escapes the cage and makes a play. >> we are going to be doing a rally at madison square garden. >> jesse: who is behind the arab spring break? a primetime investigation. >> show your face. are you scared to show your face? >> with more on the stormy weather, here is our weather person and meteorologist... >> here's where the hurricane is right now. >> jesse: al rocher is getting sued over de i. >> how do you think he tasted? >> uncle who? >> jesse: there's an animal
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loose on the streets of new york city. breaking out of his cage at the crack of dawn this morning donald trump headed straight into a construction site. >> jesse: donald trump amid a sea of hardhat this morning. it wasn't even 6:30. the former president shaking hands, signing at the. talking to the people who built the city of new york. >> i think there is may be... [ inaudible ] >> there are very talented people. they don't get the credit for it. very few people can do what they do pay her it was guys like this that did it.
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>> jesse: trump has always loved i could -- a good construction site. judging by that we love trump chance, they love him to peer. >> it was great to see the president engaging with the blue-collar worker of new york city. we basically build new york. i put out a pole in... president trump is leading joe biden 3-1 of my 9000 members right now. we are very tired of the situation with groceries, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigration, crime. we are living it every day new york city. >> jesse: these are lifelong democrat unions wrapping their arms around trump. group joe biden one by 16 points last time. the biden -- biden can't even put a hardhat on. he talks down to them.
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>> jesse: choose your fighter. this is why democrats need trump trapped inside of his cage in court. every time he escapes whether it's a big -- it's a construction site or a bodega, it's a dangerous situation. here is the hearts of -- hearts and minds of crowds and trump says he's losing his base. trump says he's making a play for new york. >> normally a democrat will win new york. biden is the worst president in history and we have some very bad people here. we have the greatest people and they are right behind me. they all want us to run and we will run very hard in new york. we have a good chance of winning new york in my opinion. we will give it a shot. >> jesse: after hanging out with a bunch of hardhat this morning, animal control caught him and threw him back in his cage. that didn't break his spirit. >> today was...
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it was breathtaking. amazing, it should have never been filed and an incredible day, open your eyes. >> jesse: he hit two holes and one in court today. one in manhattan, another and in the supreme court. it was day seven in the case of the crime that democrats still haven't named. the men who ran the national enquirer david pecker back on the stand. this time the trump team got a chance to cross-examine him. turns out the star witness caught and killed for a lot of people. give minutes of catching and killing a story about tiger woods p. or q. said he paid hundreds of thousands to catch and kill for arnold schwarzenegger when he ran for california government. between 30 and 40 women. gosh arnold. it's not just republicans he was killing, test of -- pecker
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testified that he caught and killed for obama's right-hand man. turns out his brother reached out to pecker asking him to catch and kill his brother's affair. the tabloids are always catchy and killing for republicans and democrats. are we going to haul them into court for something that happened years ago? are we going to bring the cia and the biden campaign in for catching and killing the laptop? pecker also testified the whole operation was spearheaded by him and cohen, not trump p. or he said we didn't want the story to embarrass mr trump or embarrass or hurt the campaign. when asked who is we, we said not trump, it was pecker and cohen. so it was the star witnesses that wanted to catch and kill trump, not trump. all of this blows their whole case up. right now the only case they are trying to make is that trump should be held in contempt for talking.
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the biden donating judge held off from issuing a ruling on that today while alvin bragg's team was attacking free speech in new york, jack smith's team was trying to undo 234 years of presidential president. arguing that presidents should be held criminally liable for actions they take an office. judges though, not convinced. >> there is the old... about indicting a ham sandwich. you have live experience in the justice department. you come a lot -- across a lot of cases where the u.s. attorney or another federal prosecutor really wanted to indict a case in the grand jury refused to do so. >> there are such cases yes. i think that the. >> once in a while there's an eclipse to. >> jesse: he asked why would in this create a vicious cycle of partisan presidential prosecutions and pardons? >> the concern going forward is
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that the system when former presidents are subject to prosecution, history tells us is not going to stop. it's going to cycle back and be used against the current president or the next president in the next president after that >> jesse: president not having immunity opens up a pandora's box. if trump gets charged does that mean bill clinton gets charged for bombing aspirin factories in africa? does obama get charged for drone striking a u.s. citizen? invited me charged for human trafficking along the border? you take away a presidents immunity and there's no coming back. these are all legal hail marys to keep trump chained inside of a cage, away from the campaign trail and away from you, the voter. but good luck keeping them in his cage.
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>> we are going to be doing a rally in madison square garden. we're going to have a big rally honouring the police and the firemen and everybody. a lot of people including teachers. we will be doing a number of large rallies it's very exciting >> jesse: jason murray is a graduate apprentice. you are out there today, what happened with the helmet? >> got to see trump and i was there in the back and i said president can you pleas on my welding helmet? secret service tried to deny it at first and he was like let me get that. >> jesse: you will never wear that again? >> can't. it's going to go on the mantle at the home. i have to buy new one and my brother is in the army. it says armed forces when he got
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in and held it up it was just like this is perfect. >> jesse: thank your brother for his service. you heard the sound bite of your chief, he said that it is 3-1 trump to biden. was it always like that? didn't the unions in manhattan used to be more liberal? >> yes just four years ago you could see they said to support biden. immediately after he got into office and took over, laid off 10,000 of our workers. the job was gone. they are not working on the pipeline, shut down the pipeline. all these guys trying to provide for their family. now they don't have a job anymore. >> jesse: he just laid it off and that was it. no apology or anything. what all started to change that shifted your political leanings in the union towards trump? >> the cost of living. going through the roof. everything that they promised, they say all this and then they turn around with these
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immigrants coming in. democrats say they are here for the working man but are giving our jobs away. >> jesse: when you reflect back to the trump presidency, you've not been able to compare. four of trump, for a biden, are you guys thinking about it? >> i have conversations with guys on the job sites all the time. in 2018 was one of the busiest times anyone can remember in construction. that was during his presidency. >> jesse: it hasn't been as active with joe biden? >> not at all. >> jesse: when you see trump, i guess he's there at 6:30 am, he's getting back to his freezing cage, how does that make you guys feel? >> it's a great feeling. our business manager reached out
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to every presidential candidate and he had a response directly from trump, directly from rfk and he has not received a single e-mail or memo from biden or his team. >> jesse: you think president trump is getting a fair trial here in manhattan? >> it's a shame. >> jesse: i would sign up for you but i think it would lower the value. i appreciate it, thinks for your service we will see you around. hamas professors, gendered seasons and who ate joe biden's uncle bosie?
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>> jesse: arab spring break was lit this week. radicals swarmed police and
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blocked their squad cars from leaving the scene after arresting a bunch of wannabes. >> jesse: these incumbents are coming -- becoming more hostile by the day. colleges are becoming no go zones for cnn, that means trouble. >> the atmosphere is getting a little rough now. people chart trying to intimidate us by filming us. the -- atmosphere is getting a little unpleasant now. protesters started... show your face, show your face. of are you scared to show your face? anyway. more than 50 of them were
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arrested. i think we should probably go because it's getting a little nasty here. >> jesse: these hamas influencers are starting to smell like auntie five. outsiders are welcome in their encampments. which is why they were welcome to columbia with open arms today >> i wanted to see and make sure that we were hearing from the young people that it is peaceful, that they want the issue to be... we should not complete other things that are happening elsewhere. >> jesse: here's the thing, those protests are happening on college campuses whether the colleges want them or not. new york's renowned fashion institute of technology not traditionally i haven for political activism. tried to shutdown a a protest i
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was starting on their grounds but outside reinforcements showed up and shove their way inside to support the encampment >> jesse: universities shouldn't be surprised by these insurgents shells popping up on their grounds. they've made fostering these anti- american ideas i keep point in their curriculum. it's what attracted many students in the first place. here's a clip from an anti- israel seminar hosted by a columbia student group right before these protests kicked off
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>> on october 7th we saw the potential of a future for palestine liberated from zionism by the resistance. how do we get organized and use the organizing that we are doing in order to be a meaningful part of that global front of resistance? >> i think after october 7th they have revived the revolution because they have now engaged in not just defending themselves and their existence but also we are moving towards taking the initiative's. >> jesse: hamas was just showing initiative. that's what we like to see. let's meet one of the columbia is now formerly esteemed professors. the school describes him as a muslim anarchist interdisciplinary activist scholar of indigenous black critical race and islamic studies as well as gendered sexuality... with extensive fieldwork experience.
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here's one of the seminars mohammed held before he was hired by columbia. >> i have my own critiques of islamists in general it ultimately to support the resistance... look where people were able to do. >> jesse: they slaughtered innocent women and raped their corpses. columbia saw that and said you are hired. they knew exactly what they were getting when they hired mohammed and now they are trying to save face. last week the president of the university told congress that mohammed would never work at columbia again. but mohammed was reportedly seen on campus just a day ago. and said that the school's president lied about firing him. once you let these people take root it's almost impossible to
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weed them out. what's it going to take for columbia to fire this guy? they find out he's unboxed? cnn is broadcast from afghanistan, iraq but they had to wrap things up at columbia. what did that tell you? >> actual war zones. they might have... but they keep going. it's really amazing and the degree to which joe biden owns all of this for lots of different reasons, not just because all of these are democrat supporters and of course joe biden, he's not condemning these people. what he's saying is he is still kowtowing to them trying to get their support for the next election. this is the thing that i think is going to see the buses because of joe biden the american taxpayer is paying the tuition of these clowns to go to this university.
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these bills are being paid by people who work hard, may be didn't go to college themselves, may be couldn't send their own children to college but they are having pay for this stuff. it is enraging to a regular person. >> jesse: when you see people wearing the headscarves. that could be a legitimate deal that they are doing. i get it. a looks like they are hiding their faces purposefully for disguise in order to cause trouble and not be seen. >> you know who's not confused about any of this stuff are regular americans. they look at this stop and they are disgusted. as much as companies try to be woke and pretend like they endure all of this nonsense, the truth is companies are not going to hire these people. these clowns are never going to work. they are going to be on welfare the rest of their lives. the only smart thing some of these students are doing is putting on masks, hiding behind umbrellas and putting on scarves so that they -- it doesn't wind up on linkedin.
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>> jesse: i love the guy that says hamas really showed some potential, really good initiative. they hired that guy. >> this guy who is an expert in sexuality among other things hired literally three months to the day after october 7th which he celebrated and they hired him. i don't care that they fired him. they hired him in the first place that's the problem. >> jesse: then they lied about firing him. charlie, thank you so much. her secret service agent... new details. could be ade i higher up your but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,
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>> jesse: as democrats hold donald trump hostage in a freezing new york show trial, the former president is getting a front row seat to these -- to see the liberal policies destroying society.
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>> jimmy carter is very happy because his presidency was brilliant by comparison. this is the worst president we've ever had. he is destroying our country, close the borders you can do it in one phone call. close up the borders joe, our country is going to hell. >> jesse: america agrees. a majority of the country backs mass deportations of illegals. century cities like chicago doing everything they can to make sure the migrants keep showing up. chicago city council approving a massive 70 million-dollar payday for illegal aliens. and that's on top of the 150 million already earmarked. where's the money money going? free hotels and houses. >> how long have you been in his hotel? >> at seven months. >> how is the service inside? >> they helped us move forward and get a house. >> was the baby born here? >> yes. >> jesse: the chicago illegal aliens are very thankful and
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they know they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for one man. >> thinks to the north american president joe biden we are all north american. >> since we arrived he has treated us good. we are thank for for his support and we love him. >> if i could vote i would vote for biden. >> are you going to be able to vote in the elections? >> my dream is to vote, get my document to vote. that is my dream. to give us the opportunity to vote, joe biden is number 1. >> are the migrants afraid if donald trump wins the election? >> yes there is feared. >> jesse: biden may be done at the polls but he's got 100 percent approval rating with illegals. the people who grew up in chicago, the american citizens are getting shafted and they are not happy about it. >> they're giving them [ bleep ] that they don't give us and we are born and raised in chicago. >> taking care of migrants more than the actual residents of the city. we are trying to get them out of
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our city to be honest with you. >> there's a lot of crime from the migrants here? >> yes of course. they are stealing, robbing. the difference is no accountability for the migrants. >> jesse: takes a lot for chicago to complain about crime. while the migrant crisis is crushing average americans, big business sees the search with dollar signs in their eyes. washington post came out and admitted what we've known all along. biden's half-baked jobs claims have really only benefited one group, the illegals. they published a handy chart showing if it weren't for foreign-born workers there would be zero job growth since 2020. zero. flat. the papers sees no problem there. they are celebrating biden's open borders without mentioning the deadly crime wave that's been ushered in. to them, laken riley is just the cost of doing business. migrant home invader who raped two kids in michigan, still an economic net positive.
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emma krats have already admitted they want to... and white downed -- and wipe down tabletops. >> jesse: she was supposed to be protecting her but other agents ended up needing protection from her. the agent was acting weird from the get go. things took a turn when she snatched a senior agents phone and starts deleting his apps. he got it back but things got worse. she reportedly started mumbling to herself and throwing tampons at another agent while screaming that they are going to burn in hell. they told her she was being removed from the assignment and then it got worse from there. she then chest bumped the commanding officer, tackled them to the ground and started swinging. she was armed the whole time by the way. she was taken away in cuffs and
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it turns out this wasn't her first issue with a superior. she sued the city of dallas where she was a cop. she felt retaliated against after she blew the whistle over an alleged sexual assault. she wanted a million dollars but the judge dismissed the case twice. so how did this woman get on the vp detail? some agents pointing to dei. the secret service pledged to make women 30 percent of the force by 2030. let's ask rall -- ronald kessler author of the first family detail. what do you think really happened here. >> i think you laid it out perfectly. the secret service namely the secret service director decided to embrace this goal put out by a women's police organization to have 30 percent of the agents on the case of the secret service be females that's roughly doubling the percentage of
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females in the secret service. what does that lead to? that leads to corner cutting, accepting people not up to standards and sure enough in this case you had the secret service overlooking an obvious problem which was the lawsuit you mentioned where the judge twice dismissed the charges. wouldn't bring it to trial because there was no evidence and that calls into question our judgement and her honesty. that immediately should have been a red flag she never should have been hired and it is so serious. she just as well could have attacked kamala harris. >> jesse: this woman who is running the secret service, this is the same woman that hire this woman. the same woman that kind of covered up the cocaine in the white house is and she? >> i don't know about that but i
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think that is still up for grabs i don't see any indication of that. you are right that she is a problem because she ignored the fact that 24 times biden's dog had bitten secret service agents over a period of almost a year. i understand that she did talk to biden about it. biden has blamed the agents which is typical biden. he blames the supermarkets for inflation. she should have stood up to him and said we cannot provide protection to you if we are going to be under constant threat. that's what she should have done and she never did. >> jesse: the first family detail, go get the book. thank you so much, have a good weekend. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: fox news alert. harvey weinstein's rape conviction in new york has just been overturned how?
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senior national correspondent kevin corke has the story. >> has a shocking as it sounds, the decision actually makes it likely that a brand-new trial in new york on the very same charges will come about in the not-too-distant future. mr weinstein will remain behind bars both because of a separate conviction and because of what would likely turn into a lengthy retrial here's what happened today. new york's state court of appeals overturned the 23 year sentence in a 4-3 decision. the court found the trial judge unfairly allowed testimony against weinstein based on allegations that were not a part of the case. me to advocates noted that the ruling was based on legal technicalities and is not an exoneration of mr weinstein's haven year. and a stinging dissent, the judge wrote the court of appeals was continuing a disturbing trend of overturning juries guilty verdicts in cases
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involving sexual violence, adding that the ruling came at the expense and safety of women. now the lawyers expected is willing to have a major impact on his appeal of his la rape conviction for which he is on the hook for 16 years. their arguments are set to begin on may the 20th. >> jesse: thank you so much. johnny checks in with biden voters. >> do you think joe biden is okay up there? >> he hasn't done a lot but he hasn't [ bleep ] anything up yet. >> except the economy, the border. >> okay
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>> jesse: happy dei thursday. we're bringing you the best stories about diversity equity and inclusion. it's not everyday you see a white guy sua black a black eye for not hiring enough black guys for his pbs show. today anything is possible. owl broker and his company broker entertainment are being sued by a white producer for not
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being dei enough. the initiative demanded that he exclusively higher black writers for his show. but he hired some whites. the white producer not happy about it. according to the complaint, the white producer demanded he start discriminating against whites and got fired. now he wants $10 million. on fire sandy beaches, pool parties, barbecues. don't you love summer? i love summer so much i'm thinking of identifying as it. it's called gender season. >> did you know that there is a gender identity that is linked to the seasons? this is called gender season. it is an individual who explores their gender identity in relation to a season or all the seasons. this might be somebody who's gender expression and identity is linked to one season.
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all of this might be somebody who's gender identity and expression changes depending on the season. >> jesse: my pronoun? a spring i transition to summer. working in retail is hard, the hours are long, the work can be boring and the customers i thought there was nothing worse than karen. that is until we met a trans karen. >> what a jew say quinton? you called me as she heard? and you said to get the [ bleep ] out? what did you call me? please quinton, feel free to tell me what you called me. >> i can play this game all day. >> your being transferred back and offensive and asked if we could use another register. >> you're giving me a hard time at dollar general. >> my card did not say insufficient funds. >> jesse: no dei thursday is
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complete without a primetime victory. joe biden... the rules are supposed to change in august. boys and girls locker rooms, boys in the field hockey team, boys in the girls bathroom. remember that could be changing based on the seasons. but not in florida. ron desantis says no changes will be made to title ix in his state for as long as he's governor. you can expect the biden administration to sue which could take this to the supreme court where we may get some clarity on the transit situation when the president of the united states says his uncle was eaten by cannibals, you would think it would be covered everywhere. no. not for biden. msnbc nothing, cnn, nothing. thank god for comedy central. >> those single engines plain doing reconnaissance over war
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zones. they got shot down in new guinea and then -- they never found the body because they're used to be cannibals in that part of new guinea. >> you're going to lose the election. at some point we all get to an age where we confuse our own life story with the plot of indiana jones. >> jesse: how all right -- how are regular new yorkers digesting the story? johnny hit the streets to ask. >> guess what donald trump said now? >> biden is decrepit something. >> enough. >> he said his uncle was eaten by cannibals. >> that's nasty. >> donald trump lies about everything. >> to -- do you believe it? actually it was joe biden who said that. >> that i could believe.
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>> i can believe it there. >> are you serious? >> yes, they did. >> i don't know anyone that's ever gotten in by cannibals. >> get in my belly. >> joe biden said his uncle's plane was shot down in new guinea and then cannibals eight him. the pentagon says that is not true. >> where is new guinea at? is in the pentagon and america? >> everything that comes out of his mouth is lies and makes no sense. >> the white house thinks you are silly if you question the story. is that fair? >> i don't know why i can't have my own opinion. >> they know we are right. >> they are still bringing it up. >> you would be a great press secretary for joe biden. >> thank you. is that a complement? >> they are hiding something.
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>> where is the real joe biden then? >> it's called the white house for a reason. the people in their... >> what about barack obama? he was in there and he was black >> i was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate and i think i did a good job. >> why does joe biden keep making stuff up? >> he's crazy and he shouldn't be president anyway. >> it's america, get used to it. >> doesn't he have memory loss? >> when someone asks a question on the spot he has to thank of whatever comes to his head. >> somebody pushed the dog in the lake. i get it... >> do you think joe biden is okay up there? >> no. i think that's pretty clear.
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>> do you want the heroin like slow joe or do you want the cocaine like donald trump? >> biden hasn't done a lot but he hasn't messed anything up yet. >> except for the economy, the border. >> okay. >> go home to mommy. go home to mommy. >> tell me a story your grandpa told you that was just too hard to believe. >> my grandpa said he was shot seven times in the chest and he survived. >> my grandma said she was dating the man on prices right. >> how do you think uncle bosie tasted? >> if they ate them he probably was good. >> like rotten fish. >> just like you. >> jesse: johnny is so delicious. >> what do you want to tell jesse watters of fox news? >> i hope he did not get eaten
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by cannibals because we would miss you so much. >> jesse: up next, paging the mayor. >> [ bleep ] yne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd.
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huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and
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>> seriously call him right now call that [ bleep ] right now get me up on the next flight get me up on the next [ bleep ] flight seriously [ bleep ] i will call him right now call his [ bleep ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: yesterday was wounded heroes day in north carolina and in honour of our good friend sara husband mike mike endured catastrophic and life-changing injuries in afghanistan in 2010 but defied the odds this weekend he was honoured with some great people carry sunnis, tosi gabbard, tim kennedy many more mike thank you for your service we love you
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there if keeps making construction and bodegas stops biden will start begging for these trials to and michael from new york i think trumpet should ride the subway to court one morning and be iconic a little risky but you never know dennis from south carolina biden threatens the union workers while trump greets them it's obvious who should be president craig from michigan do you think biden could get up early enough to greet construction workers? probably have that little sleep mask indentation on that little shiny teeth tim from beaufort south carolina i would let you sign my dirt bike helmet send it up johnny i will john hancock it and send it back, pat from kentucky abc killed the amy roback story but can't kill a story about trump catching to kill happens all the time steve
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from california on my father was in papua new guinea as a foreign observer for an army artillery unit during the war he said the cannibals would not eat you but they might chop your head off thank you for his service from myrtle beach happy gender season how do i feel today autumn yes dan from oregon take magnesium to start your eye twitching we read up about it it's a combination of stress and too much caffeine we discovered i doubled up my coffee intake into a coffee now after breakfast it's probably the caffeine thank you for your care and support i am waters this is my world


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