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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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bodies, you need help. two feet of snow. new snow in the sierra in may. yes. we are about to go from one extreme to another, though. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. thank you for joining us at 7:00. it was once known as california's toughest state prison. home to some of the state's most notorious criminals. san quentin is undergoing a major transformation. the death row now emptied out with more than 400 of the condemned inmates transferred to other prisons. so, it is all part of a larger effort to shift the focus from punishment to rehabilitation and offer more job training, education, and skills to get inmates ready for life outside the walls of prison. while there may be some skepticism about this model, one former gang member says he is proof
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that it works. we have the story of eddie who found his passion for photography behind bars. his work was featured in rolling stone magazine. >> reporter: he spent nearly 15 years in prison for many including second-degree murder. >> i did not a lot of ugly stuff. >> reporter: he was in gang life as a teenager. while serving a lifetime sentence at san quentin he found the beauty of photography through the art program. >> once the camera was put in my hand i realized i liked it. i don't want to do anything else. >> the now 41-year-old poured his energy behind his new passion. published in magazines including "rolling stone." i am in prison and my picture is in
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a popular magazine. >> reporter: his work and nine other formally -- incarcerated men are featured >> so exciting to tell them their artwork was sold on the first day. >> pursuing passion, pay bills, continue transition into a post-prison world. >> this show showcases how the formally incarcerated can transform their lives through art. >> reporter: digging deeper in his passion for art. he severed ties to the gang life. not know figure it could cost him his own life, too. i just did not know. >> he found more to live for
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since the six years of being patrolled. his daughter is four years old. >> i love her to death. we are buddies. this world is crazy t. can be cruel sometimes, a lot of times, actually. so, i just want to teach her just to be kind, respectful. >> reporter: earning degrees in prison, he is now studying photography and working for a nonprofit in the east bay that helps homeless women. >> i feel like someone is watching over me. >> he is engaged to be married this fall. >> i don't deserve any of this. i just feel like doors continue to open for me. >> reporter: that is a reason to smile. life transformed and recaptured through the beauty of art and the will to change. >> nice story, kenny. appearing in the award-winning documentary, the prison within. you can see his photographs at the library through the second week of june. now to our weather, shall we? a clear day today. wasn't
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it nice? after the bay area got a good soaking over the weekend. not just in our region. the storm brought record snow to the sierra. according to the snow lab, yesterday was the snowiest day of the season. the yeah recorded over two feet of snow. we have more on these unusual winter-like continues in may. >> jules, saturday felt more like the middle of january as opposed to early may. complete with the rain that made its way across the bay area. most of us picked up rain. these are the higher amounts. an inch of rain. the amounts go up as you go up the list here. two inches short of two inches of rainfall in the mountains. but, 9th/10th of an inch fell, just building on the surplus that we were already running to had point in the rainy season. that rain that we had on saturday was almost enough to erase the deficit that we have been
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running. average rainfall, we can handle that at this point in the water year. no rain chances in the data or the 2 week outlook. it is dry. warmer temperatures will take back over beginning tomorrow with a return to near normal high temperatures. in the 60s around the bay area. those numbers are in the 70s and 80s respectfully. some spots, inland, threatening 90 degrees. details on that warm spell. might call it a heatwave in the middle of may. coming up. >> thank you. it has been a year since antioch launched the first mental health response team. it is an entire year without any in-custody deaths. we got a look at the team in action today. >> reporter: it has been exactly one year since the city of antioch launched the crisis response team. it may be difficult to measure success the numbers are looking good. the most important data point
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may be the number 0. >> three, two, one! >> reporter: 0, that is how many people have died while in police custody since the community response team was created. and the mayor say that is exactly the result he was hoping for.. >> the first month of my time as mayor as the city of antioch i had an in-custody death that led to this. a month after that, we had another in-custody death. and, so, if we have not had an in-custody death since we launched this, that is a mark of success for me. >> reporter: to mark the one year anniversary, the mayor road along with the team. the strip call that generates multiple responses a day. the program manager says most of the calls are nuisances created by homeless people in the area. >> all we do is address the situation, hey, guys, can you turn the music down? can you move along. it is a yes or no.
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we approach everybody with the respect they deserve. >> reporter: then, a business owner named tony approached to complain about the lack of response from the police and the meager size of the crisis team. >> two people can not solve it, three people can not solve it. you need more bodies, you need help, i need help, you need help, he needs help. >> reporter: one of the purposes of the program is to relieve the police of nonemergency responses and the mayor say that is is another area of success. already, the team is taking 500 calls a month freeing up officers to attend to more serious matters. >> initially we did not know if these 911 calls would be coming in readily. but to our surprise, we are getting, and they are starting to increase. maybe to that degree. we knew there was a need. with our relationship with dispatch it is extremely important and, again, 500 calls a month it is, it is pretty good. and i expect that to increase. >> and now, the police are the
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ones calling in the crisis unit. on this day, they ask for help on railroad avenue where they were trying to get a group of homeless campers to leave. >> we are trying to do everything we can to give them the help. >> the team approached the campers just to talk. later offered them water and snacks the idea is to act as a go between, calming situations down to prevent a more aggressive reaction from the subjects or the police. >> they rely on us, the pd, as much as we rely on them. so, it is a support issue. >> it is a good working relationship? >> it is a great working relationship with the pd.. >> reporter: the mayor believes the program is working. the initial $1 million of funding, a grant from the federal government is running out. >> fundingville to come from somewhere to keep it going. if it means we will have to restructure the budget, we will do that. he is asking the city council to have it continue and
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expand the team to prevent a crisis from becoming a tragedy. >> antioch's community response team is named for angelo pinto. a young man that was killed after the police were called in to deal with his mental crisis. working to resolve campus protests over the war between israel and hamas. at san francisco state, a sit down between admineration and administrators and protesters. the negotiations are the first of their kind. they are taking it seriously. >> if democracy is messy, it is ugly, it can be conflict ridden, if it can not play out on the university campus then the u.s. is doomed. >> reporter: student protesters say while negotiations continue, the encampment in the middle of campus will remain. both sides say the time line is unclear when a resolution will
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be reached. celebrations in gaza after hamas announced they agreed to a ceasefire proposal from egypt and qatar. the latest framework calls for the release of 33 hostages over several weeks in exchange for a temporary ceasefire. but, israel said the deal did not meet its demands and that it will continue to conduct strikes in rafah. u.s. secretary of state blinken delivered a keynote speech at the rsa conference in san francisco. he spoke about the biden administration's new cyberspace and digital policy strategy. blinken did not address the war in gaza. they are quick, convenient if you are in a hurry. why the state is considering getting rid of the self-check out kiosks at all grocery stores. the class of 2024 gets inducted in the pay
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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7:13 pm
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. newest class tonight in san francisco inducted. vern glenn was there before this big night >> it is going on right now. >> yep. >> hi to duck out. i had to tell them, jules demands that i be in the 7:00 show. >> i didn't [ laughter ] >> five more receiving bay area sports, highest honor. for 49er wide receiver john taylor, it is a long time coming. >> it was funny i remember my rookie year when i came out here in '86. walking back and forth through the airport. you see a display. i am just walking by. i am looking, i am looking, now when i come through the airport i have to look for myself. >> what flashes before you? >> that i wish i lived here, again. [ laughter ] >> jenny thompson now lives
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with her family in south carolina. the olympian is joined in the class of 2024 by john taylor, sharks legend patrick marlo and chris long time gianty brian sabean who noticed a difference between him and the rest of the class. >> these halls are for top athletes. and people at the top of their craft. in the sports and lord knows i did not score a touchdown and i did not kick a goal or win a swim meet. that is special to me and i will never forget my time here. >> where do you keep the rings? at some point, maybe when no one is looking put it on? >> i did bring the 14 rings. >> okay. all right. >> i don't wear them much anymore. i don't think it will go well with the yankees. it would be rubbing it in. >> sabean works for the yankees now. hall of fames opened their doors in 1979. some of the
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inductees pulled off a triple. bay area sports hall of fame, san jose sports hall of fame and the hall of fame. >> i am glad you there were and able to share the interview. >> it is better than getting roasted. >> we will talk about that later at an event coming soon. >> that is true. let's head over to weather now. i say that, paul, vern will be having a roast golf tournament, i said are you sure you really want to do that? >> maybe he wants to watch the brady roast. >> at least the weather will cooperate. getting into a dry pattern. going to get into the dry pattern. intensify. big area of high pressure over the pacific. mountain of air, building closer to us, and the suppress of clouds and as it gets closer to us as well, kicking in the off shore winds. looking outside right now. a little bit of the fog, trying
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to break away from the coast. a mix of 50s and 60s. below temperatures, today, it changes tomorrow, back to near normal highs on tuesday. above normal beginning on wednesday, the other side of the weather roller coaster that brought us the winter weather. that is cool. temperatures dropping down middle to upper 40 degrees. cool spots, dropping all of the way down to the lower 40s. the temperatures warming up quickly. the fog that is there, dissipating in a hurry. temperatures warming back up to the lower 70s. lower to middle 70s in the east bay. temperatures around the bay. a mixture of 50s and 60s. around the coast, one more day, before the off shore wind will warm up. warmer in oakland. the city was only 60. should beat that by half a dozen degrees by tuesday. reaching up into the lower to middle 70s as well. the winds will be noticeable
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already tomorrow. beginning to change direction. becoming offshore. the strongest winds in store for us on wednesday. wind gusts every 6 hours, 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, continuing through 5:00 p.m. on wednesday. widespread gusts wednesday with higher gusts at the higher elevations. that off shore gusty wind it is ordinarily something that makes us concerned about the fire threat that we added a bunch of moisture to the fire fuels over the weekend. i don't think it will be a huge concern. humidity levels dropping, 10-15% range by tomorrow afternoon. not much recovery overnight that is when the humidity levels climb up. they will not be nearly that level as we head into wednesday morning. humidity will be low on the widespread basis. you see the wind arrows moving quickly. strongest winds will be with us by wednesday afternoon. dry air, off shore wind, the fact that we add up half an inch plus of rain a couple days ago, it will help mitigate the fire threat. the
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winds dying down late there week. the warm weather sticking around. the 6-10 day outlook, slowing a chance of above normal temperatures for the middle of may. it takes us to may 20th. it shows a good chance of above normal temperatures sticking around. some fluctuation. later this week, inland parts of the bay area will flirt with 90 degrees, especially thursday and friday. we will fall short of record territory and then the temperatures should back down a little bit by sunday and monday. still, above normal for the second half of the weekend and next week. around the bay, the temperatures will not go quite as far up. reaching the 70s by thursday and friday. the onshore breeze returns by saturday and sunday. pushing temperatures closer to what is normal for this time of year. largely evaded coastal parts of bay area. not the case this time around. the winds allowing
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the temperatures around the coast to reach 70 degrees. if the winds stick around just long enough it is possible that along the coast the temperatures will reach up into the 70s. a little taste of summertime for us here in the middle of may. >> all right, spring has sprung with the taste of summer. thank you, paul. tonight at 8:00, update on a program meant to help the homeless during covid. the state launched project room key at the height of the pandemic. supposed to be a public response to the pandemic and put people in up used hotel and motel rooms, tonight, a survey found that program worked for 62,000 people across the state of california. as widespread of a crisis is not getting better are there lessons how to tackle homelessness? we take a deep dive at 8:00 in the prime time edition. >> we can use any answers we
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can get. thank you. still ahead, not enough red to go
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. attention shoppers, changes could be coming to the nearest grocery store. they could have to remove the self-check out machines unless they follow certain rules, having an employee monitor the lanes, what a concept, and customers will be limited to 10 items or
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less. the proposal comes as cities across the bay area deal with thefts at stores and pharmacies. >> as a grocery store worker my workers and i have witnessed firsthand reduction of staffing due to self-check out and increase of workplace violence as a result of retail theft. >> it is supported by labor unions and opposed by california chamber of commerce. if you love shiracha you may have to find a new hot staws. they are halting production until -- hot sauce. they are halting production until after labor day. the reason? the chilies they are too green and it is effecting the color of their product. now i want it, great. pilots, strapped in, ready to go. why a launch by
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition.
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. boeing was supposed to launch its first manned rocket to the international space station today. the historic journey was scrubbed two hours before the planned liftoff. >> the engineering team said the vehicle is not in a configuration to proceed with flight today. >> i appreciate that, right? the two nasa test pilots were strapped in and ready to go. they found out there was an issue with an oxygen relief valve. if it is a quick fix they will give it another go tomorrow evening. better be safe than you know what. news continues at 8:00 and 44 cable 12. see you back here at 11:00. have a wonderful evening
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: [indistinct] how you doing, folks? i appreciate that. thank y'all very much. i appreciate that. thank you, everybody. i appreciate y'all. yeah, i do. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man


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