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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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at 5.30, members of oakland mayor sheng house advisory council on human trafficking have been making the rounds at high schools this week. they're getting the word out as part of sexually exploited minors awareness week. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> friday students taking part in a resource fair. oakland's reds stale high school were not only getting college and career advice but learning how to avoid being caught up in teen trafficking. we are seeing lots and lots of cases. >> of child trafficking and even more so as children are on the internet and social media now more than ever post pandemic nola brantley is a survivor and a member of the mayor's advisory council on human trafficking. >> she says kids as young as 12 are being manipulated or forced into having in return for money or gifts. >> are you, too, are part of the foster care and you adjust
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the systems are impacted by by other the other youth because the lack of supervision and care they receive. brantly says members of mayor tells advisory council. >> we're not only talking to teens about resources available to those who are being victimized, but also giving them insight and potential predators looking out for those offers of gifts that money in a better life. those things that sound. >> too good to be true. adults that are showing a lot of interest in bed and that really are aiming to get close to that. and they don't really understand brantley hopes these face-to-face interactions we'll get victims, the help they need. you deserve love and protection. help is available. please reach out. dan kerman kron. 4 news. there is now a hotline in alameda county for victims of 35 people whose death penalty cases are now being reviewed. >> district attorney price says her office uncovered what may be a pattern of misconduct
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in these trials dating back almost 30 years. prosecutors may have purposely excluded black and jewish people from juries price as family members of the victims by those on death row are now being informed of what's going on. but anyone who has not been contacted is asked to contact them on the alameda county da's website. >> man has been arrested accused of having all of these illegal guns and ammo with the intent to sell them. the seizure happened on crosby avenue in oakland. police say 9 guns, including for illegal assault weapons and a stockpile of ammunition were recovered. caught on camera, local business robbed in broad daylight. the owner says the thief was a familiar customer. now everyone is upset and confused about why you would do such a crime. on theresa has the story. >> hello, everyone. today. i am say ken. angry man. >> that is so of anna chan. she and her husband own decks, donut on high street in
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oakland. and this is what happened thursday. she says one of their regular customers waited for a pause in the normal hectic rush and came back into the store, crushed the front case and ran off with the cash register. >> never it would do that to us. >> how much do you think that was stolen? >> all of the 100 it. >> i spoke with chant on friday following up on her social media post about the crime. she says that she typically empties the register, but it was a busy morning. she says that they open the donut shop 20 years ago and love being a part of the community. my husband and i think >> in business they've 7 minutes you know. i tried to take family and it's been a year. shooting the surprise the cost of the supply is going i my husband and i think
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site was an inmate in to pay the price today made the same because they the commode that he is going through she says one of the worst part is dealing with the aftermath. >> i felt helpless doubt because i have happen. i call my mum on i explained to them just happened. they said going to somehow the officer, but they never we reached out to opd but did not get a response. she says that she wants oakland to be atlanta mall and there. but i love all and i feel >> a kimono need to get together and change thing that i >> theresa kron, 4 news. police in pacifica are looking for this man who they say was seen starting a fire, a pacific fairway park back on april 10th. they say the man has visited the archery range
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at the park's several times over the past month. if you recognize him, you're asked to contact pacifica police. meantime, a frightening sight in san francisco's presidio heights neighborhood. this is what it looked like early this morning when flames sparked at a 4 story building near the intersection of lying and clay streets that smoke leading firefighters to tell residents nearby to stay inside and close their windows. the building was vacant. it was being renovated made of redwood did not, but it did not collapse and no one was inside because it was being renovated. no one was hurt. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> yeah, took the words right out of our mouths. check out this stunning video of a massive tornado outside lincoln, nebraska. this was earlier today just one of a number of twisters that have touched down in several counties across nebraska and other states in the midwest. there are reports of
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significant damage. power outages throughout the region. local officials have been urging residents to seek shelter as the funnel clouds continue to move through the lincoln and omaha metro areas. tornado warnings are still posted for nebraska and other states. lawrence karnow standing by and you'd like to use that word, lawrence. tornadic activity. yeah. and they've had it all across nebraska today and that. >> that's where it almost looked on real most movie, like as it was picture perfect. a conical tornado almost sitting vertically stacked. that means that was its maximum strength that you saw there. but numerous storms popping up across the state. you can see the circulation around that area of low pressure and some strong storms firing up all those areas in red. those reports of a funnel clouds and tornadoes all across parts of nebraska stretching eastward, watching out now they still got advisories for the possibility of more tornadic activity through the night tonight. all right. let's to get away forecast for you here in the bay area. we're looking at some changing weather. some winds blowing the high country opstill dealing with some snow
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there. if you're headed in that direction, you know, we've had some travel delays at sfo, but not because of weather. again. is that construction work going on on the departing flights. 48 minute delays. there are no delays being reported. oakland or san jose in the monterey bay. you're looking good. it will be a little breezy and brisk out there. temperatures running below the average numbers in the 50's and the low 60's further south southern california are going to see a little wind. but temperature wise, not bad. 72 in pasadena. 71 in downtown los angeles and about 66 degrees in san diego in the high country here. the good news that snow is going to wind down tonight. tomorrow we start clearing out. the temperatures are going to begin to warm up generally in the 50's outside. 55 in south lake tahoe. 55 also in truckee and a warmer 67 degrees in reno, but it should be dry and sunny tomorrow. and that will continue as we head in towards sunday as well. so if you want to out there tomorrow, a great day to do. it's more snow up there in the mountains as well. looks like we'll stay dry through monday. thank you. or board of trustees at city college of san francisco voted
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to pass a policy that will allow non u.s. citizens students to vote in school elections. >> board president alan wong proposed the change saying it would give more students a voice in how their school is managed. under the proposal, non citizens students would still have to be at least 18 years old and a resident in the city in order to cast a ballot. the measure is now heading to the citywide ballot through the san francisco board of supervisors. >> california students have less than a week left to apply for financial aid. the deadline was extended to may 2nd students whose at fast has one says were rejected or are seeking more resources can be eligible for up to $7300 in pell grants. the deadline to apply for federal aid is june 30th. a new bill introduced in the legislature is now taking aim at excessive homework in california. public schools. wallace talked with the lawmaker behind the legislation has reaction from students.
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>> well, many californians can probably look back at their upbringings and remember spending hours after school at their desk. doing homework. but now one lawmaker says she hopes to change that for the next generation. when the bell rings and the school day is over for students like 6 grader sophia johnson. >> the day is nowhere near over. she blames that on hours. spent doing is exhausting. it's overwhelming. >> and it's depressing that my whole day from when i wake up until when i go to bed is nearly all taken up with schoolwork. and that's why sophia's mother assembly member peeler. she says she authored ab 2, 9, 9, 9, also known as the healthy homework act. >> while it would not ban homework, the proposal would mandate local school boards and educational agencies to establish homer policies that consider impacts to students, physical and mental health all while including input from parents, teachers and students themselves. i think that this is going to make a huge impact for students that times have changed and our homework
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policies don't always change with times. and so we need to make sure that we're >> addressing issues with the whole child and making sure that we're doing things that are effective and also the don't harm kids. it comes as a survey of more than 300,000 american students conducted by stanford university and the nonprofit organization challenge success. >> found 45% of students say workload and homework is the number one source of stress. 13,000, california high school students who took the survey report an average of 2 and a half hours of homework. >> every night we have student mental health crisis right now. and so if it's such a source of stress for kids and we know that taking stress off kids plates will make a difference in their mental health. this is something that we could really impact kids mental health practically overnight and she notes the bill is also tailored around equity. something california teacher of the year. kc cuny believes it's crucial, noting students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may not have access to resources home like high-speed internet
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at the child's grade should not be dependent on the resources they have at home to do the homework. >> i passionately believe that the grade should to really and it should be depended on the learning that takes place in the classroom with the professional. so that's why i support this bill is i think in the end it will be what's best for kids and the bill unanimously passed the assembly education committee with bipartisan support. it has no formal opposition reporting at the state capitol. wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> coming up, the niners still have a few more turns before. it's time for a second pick. we're going to have a preview we're going to have a preview of what we can expect next.
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>> this just in the all-clear has been given at the costco in concord, about 1000 people were forced to evacuate the store earlier this afternoon due to refrigerate leak. fire officials say employees of the store on monument boulevard and detroit avenue became aware of that leak when someone spotted a white cloud moving through the store. refrigerant is a fluid used in air conditions systems and heat pumps depending on exposure injuries can range from mild to severe, but no injuries have been reported there. and again, costco is back open there in concord after that >> forty-niners still have a few more turns before. it's time for a second pick and hopefully there's still some strong prospects out there. alec john accomplice reports on what we can expect tonight from draft central in detroit. >> the fans here at campus martius park can't get enough. they were packing this place setting an nfl draft record over a quarter million people made it here for day one and
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they're coming right back for day. 2 those fans who were here last night caught a wild ride in the first nrght of the nfl draft. it started out somewhat predictable. 3 quarterbacks going off the board, followed by some top tier offensive tackles and wide receivers. but when the falcons took michael penix junior at 8, you could hear some gas from the many draft watchers in the motor city. he was one of 6 quarterbacks picks in the first round with all the offensive talent selected in the first round. plenty of talented players are still waiting in round 2 big bodied florida state wide receiver. keon coleman shouldn't be there long, i say shouldn't because as we've learned from day one, you never quite know what to expect from the nfl draft reporting from detroit. i'm alex john accomplice. >> steph curry has been named the nba clutch player of the year. clutchpoints consist of scoring when a game is within 5 points with 5 or fewer minutes remaining state fans have grown accustomed to seeing curry coming up big when it matters. most. it was
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one of 3 finalists along chicago's demar derozan and oklahoma city's shane gillis. alexander. names. >> a michelin has just released its first-ever hotel guide and 3 bay area hotels have made the highest honors. the michelin guide ranked hotels by 1, 2, and 3 keys single thread in and healdsburg meadowood napa valley and saint and canyon ranch in woodside. all ranked among the best in the country. michelin created this guide based on architecture and interior design, quality and consistency of service overall personality and character value and a significant contribution to the guest experience in a particular setting. meantime, to san francisco bars were named on north america's 50 best bars list for 2020 for its ancording to a new ranking by the world's 50 best restaurants released wednesday. if you're looking
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for a new bar to check out this weekend, here's a few local names for you. true laurel in the mission district ranked 30th on this list. pacific cocktail haven in union square, ranking 38th, the san francisco establishments are 2 of 4 in california that cracked the top 50. you can find the full ranking on our website. kron 4 dot com now on a vacation and a together with some nice weather like we see right there, golden gate bridge straight weekend. weather ahead, right, lauren? yeah. should be a really nice weekend. don't have to worry about the rainfall. we're going to be talking about some sunshine. there will be. >> a bit of a breeze outside of the temperatures going to warm up nicely. i think we'll start to move back in the 70's, at least in some of the valleys. but >> next week, even warmer than that, too. so out the door. now that rain has part of the skies breaking up outside. we've got a lot of sunshine out there right now. the winds, yeah, kind of whipping in spots. some of those gusts over 40 miles per hour today around the bay area will see more of that overnight tonight and probably decreasing tomorrow, but still on the breezy side. so tonight,
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partly cloudy skies. still some gusty winds tomorrow. looks like the breeze will still be around, but not a strong. and then sunday, mostly sunny day up, some patchy morning fog and really some nice weather. temperatures out the door right now. 66 in san jose. it is 64 in dublin, 63 and lay on 63. also in sonoma and nevada. 59 now and to broaden 57 in san francisco. yeah, the winds whipping around the bay area here's a look at some of the gusts we've had even into san francisco downtown 40 mile an hour gusts out of the sunset that a gust of 44 44 mile an hour gusts in oakland, 40 mile an hour gusts in hayward, even san jose, a gust of 31 to battle a gust of 37. and 35 mile an hour gusts in petaluma mountaintops have some gusts closer to 50 miles per hour out there right now. you can see the winds still whipping up around the bay area. so you can imagine out at ocean beach love that blowing sand out there this evening. and that will continue throughout the weekend as well. looks like high pressure trying to sneak in here. but that's right behind a very of deep low pressure. and that means we'll see a big difference in the pressure. and that will really
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kind of crank up the winds outside. but right now start to see those clouds part and looks like we're setting up what appears to be a nice weekend ahead. the winds, though, will be a factor by tomorrow afternoon. they'll begin to pick up as we head toward the latter part of the day and then start with in the afternoon. that's where expect to see maybe some 20, maybe some 30 mile an hour gusts not as strong as yesterday, but still strong enough. all right. out the door tomorrow temperatures. yeah, they're looking good. we're going to warm things up in spots. a little cool coast side 50's 60's and san francisco along the coastline. will be cool out toward the beaches with a couple patches of fog inside the bay. you'll notice those temperatures warming up as you head south. 64 degrees in redwood city. the south bay enjoyed 60's. maybe couple low 70's by tomorrow afternoon. the east bay, the breakout, a few more 70's by tomorrow afternoon as highs. 73 in brooklyn and 72 in concord, warm sunshine in most parts of the bay area away from the coastline. and then the next couple days. here we go. we start to march up the board here, warming up to monday. by next wednesday. we could be flirting with them. maybe some 80's around the bay area. then a few more clouds come our way on thursday and friday. so nice weekend ahead. how about
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burned over this cold ok? >> popular trail. yosemite national park is closed after a rockslide. hundreds of boulders came down. april 15th. >> cutting off the john muir trail between clark point at the top of nevada falls, officials say about 1000 feet of the trail is covered by rocks and other debris the expected to be closed for several weeks as crews remove the debris and make repairs to that trail. visitors are advised not to enter that closed off section. >> countdown to liftoff. 2 nasa astronauts are set to pilot the first crewed flight of boeing's starliner spaceship next month. but wilmore and suni williams arriving at the kennedy space center yesterday. their due to blast off may 6, the top and atlas rocket. they will fly to the international space station for a week of testing. boeing is trying to catch up to space x, which has been launching astronauts for nasa since 2020 wilmore and williams will be the first astronauts to ride an atlas
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rocket since john glenn did for project mercury. back in 1962. meantime, nasa's juno spacecraft has captured some new images of jupiter's moon. io. take a look. the images revealing at 127 mile long lava lake, some volcanic plumes as well. and a detailed look at some mountain peaks. juno's camera captured the views while flying past the moon in december. these are pretty wild other than earth. is the only other place in our solar system where experts have found active magma volcanoes. very coming up, an amazon worker let the cat out of the box literally how the company. >> accidentally ships the first real life past. the san
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francisco art fair is set for this weekend. the fair features artists from san francisco and all around the world, including iran. and even as far away india. >> from painting to copper, etching and even artists using led lights. the fair is posting a lot of different types of artwork. it's located at fort mason center this weekend. doors open at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. a single-day ticket is available online may start at 35 bucks. if you want to go both days, those tickets cost $65. this pup got himself into some trouble. antioch, animal services called in to help get him out of a can. now. >> poor little guy. officials say he and another pup has been running around for 2 weeks. avoiding getting caught and he apparently fell in. but
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the good news is they are both off the streets now are interested in adopting a pop in antioch, adoption fees are waived until the end of the month. >> from a dog rescue to kiddie rescue. kind of this is a wild story. a cat thought to be lost, reunited with her family in utah. alana accidentally got shipped to california inside an amazon box. her owners say she mysteriously disappeared on april 10th. they searched for a week and then they got a call. amazon employees found a box with 5 different pairs of work boots. the employees took the cat to the vet and said the family dropped everything and flew out to california to get her back. they believe the line at what's in the box for at least 6 days. so i guess maybe they were returning these boots to amazon and the cat climbed into the box. they sealed it up right and center off. but i mean, she's alive and well. 6
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days in a box food and water quite a long time. so i know that they're glad to have their kitty back. yeah, check your boxes before right? exactly. i want to show you a live picture from berkeley. the falcon chicks there. they haven't been abandoned. we saw them. the mother. they're not. i told one. but i see to know. i think it's tonight. there's 2 i. >> there's forehead. so seen i guess i wouldn't say i i thought i saw at least 3. they're all bundled up. you can see it's a little windy up there. think one of the parents is out possibly hunting because it was there just a short time ago. but yeah, with the breeze and everything and still chilly out there and they're cuddling up to next to each other hopefully add or both will be back soon and take care of that. keeping an eye on. they just hatched, i believe on monday. so they're pretty pretty new. and you can see one of those shells there on the side. we've been seeing the >> falcon mama and taking bites of the shell. apparently it helps yeah. yeah. so and or
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mom and dad get ready for kind of name calling a name. they name a petition. yeah. for the new ones. all right. >> that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5 >> 6.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6 students at stanford university have officially joins nationwide. protests for a cease-fire in gaza. thank you for joining us here in companies at 6. i'm noelle bellow. i'm ken wayne. the group showing their support for palestine, calling
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